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(Above is an image of Miracle)

"Daddy! Can you please tell me a story!" Miracle begged, pulling at his arm. How could Marshall say no to her pretty brown eyes.

"Alright, how about the story to why you're called Miracle?" Miracle rolled her eyes.

"You've told me this story loads of times daddy."

"Yes, but I know that it's your favourite story."

"Fine.." she laughed, snuggling up to her father on the sofa.

AUGUST 25 2001 - 9:46 PM

"Sir! You cannot come in here. This place is off limits!" One of the nurses shouted, as Marshall made his way into the hospital.

"I need to see my daughter!" He shouted, pushing past all the nurses and doctors.

"Can we have a name?"

"She hasn't got one." He slowly said.

"Oh.. you must be miracle's father?"


"It's the name we have given the little sweat pea. I'm so sorry for your loss. But It's really a miracle that she's still breathing.. I'll take you to come see her now.."

The nurse guided him into a small secure room, with a bed and an incubator inside. There laying in the incubator was little miracle, she was wrapped in a pale pink blanket.

She was the size of his hand, no, bigger.

"She's beautiful." Marshall gasped, looking down at her.

"She's barely stable, she will have to stay in the hospital for a few months.. but I think she'll be fine."

"I need to go make a call.." Marshall sobbed, before going outside of the hospital room. All of this was too much to take in. The love of his life, who was five months pregnant, just died in a plane crash. The baby miraculously survived, and now he's left to be a single father to a baby that's not even in a stable condition.

He reached into the back pocket of his trousers, and pulled out his cellphone, wiping his eyes with his other hand.

Ring ring.

"Marshall, I heard the news... I'm so sorry." Missy exclaimed, Marshall could tell by the croak in her voice, that she had also been crying.

"Did you know about her being pregnant?" Marshall asked, his voice croaky too.

"Yes... she had no idea that she was five months along. She thought she was only two or so. She was planning on telling you when she got back.. she said she was scared of how you would react."

"In her final moments she called me, told me that she loved me. I should of never let her go onto that fucking plane!" He shouted, tears gushing from his eyes.

"Marshall you're not to blame, how could you have known that this would happen?" Missy cried.

"It just hurts.. that baby is going to grow up without a mother." He then said, watching two parents with a baby walk past.

"But Marshall she has you. You. The best father in the world. The memory of Aaliyah will live off within our hearts. We will all see her again, one day."

"I hope you're right." He sighed, before ending the call.

Then he saw him. Michael Haughton. He looked ragged, his clothes were dirty and his eyes were bloodshot red. Unexpectedly, he pulled Marshall into a hug.

"I'm so sorry kid... I feel horribly. I never should of acted that way. I should of said goodbye to her before she left." He cried, looking at Marshall sincerely.

"Honestly, I want to punch you in the face right now, but Aaliyah would of forgiven you so I'm going to do the same.." Marshall said, looking through the hospital window at his daughter in the incubator.

"I may have failed as a father but I promise I won't fail as a grandfather." He said, his eyes tearing up as he spoke.

"Damn right you won't. Because if you treat my little girl anyway like how you treated my fiancée I will fucking kill you. Do you hear me?"

Michael meekly nodded, and watched as Marshall walked back into the hospital room, where Miracle was lying asleep.

Staring lovingly down at his daughter, he let out a small tear, "Miracle Dana Mathers... that name has a nice ring to it."

Thank you all sooo much for reading My Love Aaliyah! I was crying when I was writing the last chapters!! #aaliyahlivesoninourhearts

Please let me know what you thought of the book here ! ❤️

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