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1 Year Later

It didn't take Marshall very long to become one of the best selling rap artists of all time. The slim shady LP was ripped straight off of the shelves within a few weeks, and was consistently being played on loop on various different hiphop radio stations.

Guilty Conscience, a song which consisted of both Marshall and Dre being the evil and good sides of someone's conscience, was especially popular. It'd been a while since Dre had hopped on a track, and to see him on a track with a white rapper must of meant that Marshall had some potential.

It was definitely a satisfying feeling to be able to drive down the streets of Detroit, hearing people blasting your music from their cars or boom boxes. It just proved that people liked it, which was something at least.

And because he was so popular now, he had even gone on a tour for a few weeks. It wasn't some major world tour or anything, only around a few major states. But even if it wasn't massive, it still racked up a decent amount of cash.

Aaliyah was also doing well, she had reached the peak of her career. Detroit was now filled with girls and boys, either wearing t shirts supporting either  'Eminem' or 'Aaliyah', which just created a huge diversity.

Although, Marshall and Aaliyah had gotten closer then ever,
she and Kim had even started talking and actually achieved the level of being able to tolerate being in the room together. Marshall knew Aaliyah wasn't hyped on second chances, so he was forever grateful that she had given Kim one.

It was a bleak Monday morning, and Marshall had nothing much to do today. The only thing he had going on, was an interview later on into the evening. Hailie was at nursery all day, so it was just Marshall and Kim at home.

Marshall wandered into the bathroom to brush his teeth. Kim had left to drop Hailie off, so he was home alone in his new mansion.

Just as he was about to pick his toothbrush up, he noticed some packaging that had been left on the bathroom sink. "Hailie.. again.. not putting things in the trash.." He muttered to himself.

But once he had picked up the packaging, he noticed that it wasn't what he had immediately thought it was, it was the packaging of a pregnancy test. A pregnancy test? Marshall had been away on tour for the last six or seven weeks and he always used protection so there was no way that she could of been pregnant. Unless..

He rummaged through the trash can, searching for the actual pregnancy test. It couldn't of been Kim's, she wouldn't, she promised to him...

After searching for fifteen minutes, he came to the conclusion that Maybe Kim hadn't thrown it out, but then again why would she keep it? Why would she even be taking a pregnancy test if she hadn't been with someone...

But there was no way that he was that blind to the truth, he knew what had happened. She had cheated, again. Aaliyah was right, he was expecting way too much from Kim. He would never be good enough for Kim, there was always going to be someone else in the picture. The cheating bitch would never change.

Half an hour later, the distant sound of the front door opening echoed around the house. Kim was back, she seemed to be in a fairly good mood, blabbering onto her friend on her cell phone.

Marshall walked downstairs, not in a particularly good mood. But why would he be?

"I'll talk to you later Dawn!" Kim smiled, before ending the call. "Hey baby." She smiled, heading closer to Marshall.

𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , 𝐀𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐘𝐀𝐇Where stories live. Discover now