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Once the movie had ended, the two of them didn't immediately speak. If anything, they revelled in the silence, all the way until they were even out of the building.

That's when Aaliyah finally decided to open her mouth. "Did you enjoy the movie Marshall?" She croaked, her voice dry because she'd decided to drink all her cola before the movie had even started.

"Huh? Oh yeah." Marshall hesitantly replied. He could of just been honest, he was sure the movie had been good, but that's not what he had been really focussing on.

"What shall we do now then?" She asked, noticing that the sky was starting to darken up, into the late afternoon. "You haven't eaten yet right? We could go grab lunch on the way back to yours... I'm sure I saw a cafe or something on the way here.." Marshall said.

Although, she was still slightly full from the popcorn, she couldn't complain about eating something else. After all, she still had room in her stomach somewhere, to fit in a few finger sandwiches.

They began to head in the direction of where they thought the cafe was, underestimating the journey completely. Some would say it was good exercise to burn off the calories of the popcorn, but Marshall was underweight enough as it was, he didn't need the extra exercise.

After almost an hour of walking aimlessly around, they came across a small quaint building. It was very unique looking compared to any other cafe's that Marshall and Aaliyah had ever seen.

The exterior consisted of dark brown oak coloured walls. There was also a very fancy looking logo, printed on the front of the shop. 'Coffee and Co.' Just the name of the place made it expensive, but they were both so tired with the walking they'd just done, that they didn't care the price if they could just get a drink and a bite to eat.

The interior was small, with some matching wooden tables and chairs, the odd seat being made out of brown smooth leather. There was a strong pungent smell of Coffee about the place, a scent that they didn't properly appreciate at such a young age.

There was also a tanned laminated menu on the table, fitting in perfectly with the colour scheme of the place. Aaliyah scanned over the menu, "I didn't know that a glass of water costed five dollars." She muttered, before putting the menu down.

"This place is too expensive, for you to be wasting your money on Marshall." Aaliyah wisely said, before grabbing his hand. But Marshall didn't budge from where he was sat, a serious expression on his face.

"It's fine, I have enough. Don't worry about it, just sit your ass down." Marshall said, before shrugging his hand off of hers. Moaning, she listened to him and took a seat besides him.

"Do you want a milkshake to drink?" Marshall asked, to which Aaliyah slowly nodded. They were like six dollars each, but Aaliyah knew Marshall would just get annoyed if she offered to pay.

"Any particular flavour?" Marshall questioned her.

"I'll have strawberry." She quickly said, making sure to pick the cheapest milkshake on the menu, even if the difference between that and the most expensive wasn't very significant.

A waitress made her way over, dressed in a lilac uniform, contrasting tremendously with the brown theme of the place. She smiled, holding her paper and pen tightly in her hand.

𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , 𝐀𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐘𝐀𝐇Where stories live. Discover now