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"Aaliyah, try to actually smile!" Her mother exclaimed, moving her to the left a little bit. Rashad and Aaliyah were standing against the hallway wall, while their mother took pictures of them.

Why was she taking pictures? Because they were both starting their first day at their new school, and with Aaliayh going to a catholic elementary and Rashad going to a catholic middle school, they both had to wear a uniform. Aaliyah was only going to be at the elementary for one more year now. After that, she'd start middle school.

This was a bad thing for Aaliyah. If she was unable to make friends soon, she'd be alone until she reached middle school. And she didn't want to spend that time alone.

The uniform was a navy blue colour, so Aaliyah decided to wear a blue hair tie to match. Rashad looked much better in the uniform then she did, for Aaliyah it was just irritating and itchy.

"You're going to have a great day, Aaliyah." Her father said, appearing in the hallway. He must of noticed her anxious expression, her dad was good at sensing that sort of thing.

"I know." She lied, there was no way that Aaliyah could be sure of anything. Who knew if the kids were going to be friendly, they could be brawny bullies for all she knew. But that was another issue, she needed to start being more optimistic.

"Alright, then I'll go drop them off on the way to work." Her father said, walking over to her mother pulling her into a hug and kissing her forehead. "Bye kids, have a good day!" Her mother shouted out of the doorway, waving at them all as they all got into the car.

The drive to Gesu Elementary, didn't take very long. It was an interesting drive though, they drove through downtown Detroit and past eight mile. Aaliyah and Rashad, hadn't been to downtown Detroit yet, and it wasn't what they were expecting.

The area, didn't seem like somewhere that would be safe if you were alone at night. It was quite busy, but there was also suspicious looking people lurking in the crowds. That's one reason why Aaliyah was relieved they didn't get out of the car in this area.

Gesu Elementary wasn't what she expected at all. Aaliyah was expecting a modest building, not a building that looked like a mansion of some sort. It looked haunted in a way, which wasn't a good thing. Aaliyah heard Rashad gulp as they parked up.

"It may look intimidating, but it's the best school around

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"It may look intimidating, but it's the best school around." Their father said, as they got out of the car. Aaliyah stood outside of the car sighing at her brother who was inside of the car, sighing she just clutched her small satchel nervously. "Alright, I'll come back to pick you up later!" Their dad waved, leaving Aaliyah in front of this building of intimidation.

𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 , 𝐀𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐘𝐀𝐇Where stories live. Discover now