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Even after the following few days of  Aaliyah and Gladys' performance, the media were still going crazy over it. Who was this mysterious girl? Everyone was so confused at why they had never heard of the young Aaliyah before.

Although, some recognised her from when she displayed her talent on star search, but most of Gladys' fans didn't even watch the show, so they were just oblivious, waiting to hear more music from her.

And for that reason Barry didn't hesitate to sign her to his label, he knew that he had to before someone else offered her a better contract.

They hadn't began working on any music yet, but the press had already heard about how Barry had signed her to his label. This made them even more certain of her potential in the music industry.

Although, she may have potential, there was something she was still lacking. She hadn't been able to find any inspiration for songwriting, none at all.

Marshall had tried to help her, by telling her his tactics for when he decided to write rap songs, but there was a difference in themes in RnB and hiphop, so he didn't exactly help much.

And it had been even more difficult to get inspired with all the stress she'd been going through. Every since, her performance with Gladys, everyone in school knew who she was and wanted to be friends with her. That issue where she had no friends before, cleared up like she'd done some sort of magic trick. But with all this new found attention, she also had to have a bodyguard during all of her lessons.

Barry had even tried to convince her to drop out of school entirely, he knew that she was going to become a big hit and that she didn't need to waste her time studying any more. Although Aaliyah's parents weren't the only ones who disagreed with this, Aaliyah did too. She wanted to be able to graduate from Highschool, even if she was going to be quite busy from now on. After all, education is just as important, if not more important then her music.

Barry was supposed to be coming over today, he wanted to show her around his studio, aswell as introducing her to R. Kelly. It's not that she wasn't excited to see the place and all, it's just that she felt the most nervous about meeting R. Kelly more then anything.

According to Barry, R. Kelly was one of the nicest people he'd ever met. That was reassuring as he had met hundreds, maybe thousands of people in the music business.

But there was another reason why she was anxious to go. Marshall had asked her to hang out today. She knew that she shouldn't turn him up, but meeting R. Kelly, was more important. After all, this was crucial for her future, and she could easily reschedule hanging out with Marshall for another day anyway.

The only issue with that is, Marshall probably wouldn't forgive her this time. She'd said she couldn't hang out with him three times now, because of music related things, she didn't want him to feel like he wasn't important to her, but she didn't know how else she could act.

At least Rashad would still be going there to hang out with him, so he wouldn't be all alone. "I'm leaving to go see Marshall, aren't you supposed to be coming?" Rashad asked Aaliyah, before grabbing his rucksack.

"I was supposed to be, but Barry is coming over to show me around the studio.." Aaliyah began, but Rashad cut her off with a scoff.

"It's always Barry this, Barry that, don't you want to spend time with your friends and family anymore?" He shot back, before heading out of the front door, not forgetting to roughly slam it. If their parents weren't at work, Rashad would of been in a heck load of trouble for that.

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