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Rashad headed straight over to Marshall, a somewhat angry expression on his face. Marshall wasn't exactly sure what he'd done wrong, so he just continued to walk.

"Marshall." Rashad somewhat calmly said, trying to not show any levels of anger, yet.

"Wassup man?" He asked, a cocky grin still on his face, apparently still feeling a little confident from the battle.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Rashad then said, catching everybody off guard at his harsh and uncalled for words towards Marshall.

"What do you mean?" Marshall asked, moving his arm from around Aaliyah's shoulder.

"I mean, why you acting so close to my sister?" Rashad seriously asked, looking at Marshall with what seemed like a death stare.

"I'm just being friendly man, calm the fuck down." Marshall chuckled, glancing down at Aaliyah, who was clearly confused with why Rashad and Marshall were arguing.

"Marshall you're like four years older then her, stay away from her." Rashad angrily said.

Marshall just put his middle finger up at Rashad, and turned to face Aaliyah, "You coming baby girl?" He asked her, insinuating the baby girl part, just to annoy Rashad.

That was it for Rashad, Marshall had blown a short fuse, an overprotective older brother type of short fuse. Rashad rushed towards Marshall, his right fist raised above his head in aggression.

Marshall didn't even have time to react, before Rashad's fist had come into contact with Marshall's jaw. Marshall then fell backwards onto the concrete, his eyes filled with rage and a small tear.

"What the fuck?" Marshall said, getting up and kicking Rashad backwards, turning this 'little fight' into a full on brawl. DeShaun and Aaliyah didn't know how to react to this, or if they should interrupt it.

They just awkwardly stood and watched in worry, unsure of who was in the wrong at this point. They were both lying on the floor, throwing punches and kicks at each other, acting like toddlers really.

"Motherfucker." Rashad muttered, kicking Marshall in the leg. To which, Marshall kicked him hard in the stomach.

After a few minutes, they still seemed to have not calmed down, they'd both gotten up off of the ground, and were both bleeding and probably bruised now, didn't they know that it was time to stop?

Just when Aaliyah was about to check if they were alright, Rashad reached into a nearby bush and pulled out a branch which must of fell from a nearby tree. It was a good seven foot tall, and quite thick.

Surely Rashad wasn't going to hit Marshall with this branch.

But just as he was about to, DeShaun walked forward, snatching the branch out of his hands. "Fucking stop you two, you're being so childish, this isn't the way to resolve your issues." DeShaun wisely said, looking at the two battered boys.

Marshall slowly nodded, looking apologetically at Rashad. "I'm sorry if I came off the wrong way.. I was just being nice to her I swear." Marshall defensively said, to which Rashad slowly nodded.

"I'm sorry too, I never meant to hurt you or anything." Rashad said, noticing Marshall's cut lip, and bleeding nose.

"It's alright, shall we all just go home, and forget about today?" Aaliyah said, before grabbing her brothers hand and walking home.

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