Made my Day

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The bright sun shined into my window, waking me up. I grumbled, turning over. There was a faint knock on my door. I stuffed my face into my pillow, ignoring the annoying sound.

"Soph, are you awake?"


"No..." I mumble.

I hear her chuckle from the other side of the door, making me smile. I hear the door open and I peek through my arm, seeing Pattie standing there, smiling.

"Well, we're having a girl's day so get moving."

I sighed, heavily, rolling out of bed and onto the floor. I got up, stretching. My elbow popped, making me grimace. I scratched my non-brushed hair as I walked into the family room/kitchen.

"Mornin' Sleeping Beauty..." Pattie chuckled, pouring creamer into her coffee.

"Hey." I yawn, plopping down at the table. "Where's everybody?"

"The guys are at a sound check, so we thought we'd make a girls day out of it."

I nod, yawning again. I just realized, I slept through the movie, the concert, and now seeing Justin this morning.


My stomach growls loudly, making Pattie chuckle. I rest my head back against the booth, rubbing my eyes.


"Yes. Very."

She pushed a plate of blueberry pancakes in front of me, along with a glass of apple juice.

"Scooter made breakfast. They just left, so it should still be warm."

"Thank you."

She sat down across from me, taking a sip of her coffee.

"Where are we?"

"Tennessee." she replied.

I nod, rubbing eyes. I'm so tired. I take a couple bites of the pancakes, blueberry flavor bursting in my mouth, enjoying the breakfast.

"So... how was the movie last night?"

"From what I saw of it, it was great. I think I fell asleep though." I chuckle.

"Yeah, when I came in, Justin was watching the game and you were asleep with your head on his shoulder. It was so cute." she squealed, making me blush.


She nodded her head, rapidly, making me smile.

"So cute. You guys are adorable..."

I smile, taking a bite of my waffles. Carin and Allison come waltzing into the bus, sitting on the couch. Still in their pajamas, they looked like a mess, but I seriously can't talk.

"Morning." Carin yawns.

"Hey. How'd you all sleep?" Pattie asks.

"Horrible! Allison snored the whole night. I could hear her from my room." Carin complained, making me chuckle.

I push my waffles around the plate, not really hungry anymore. I chug the apple juice down, wiping my mouth, then sit the cup in the sink.

"What are we doing today?"

"Well, we we're thinking the mall. That is if it's alright with you all." Allison smiled.

"That's fine with me!" I exclaim, making them chuckle.

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