I love You <3

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I wake up to the sound of laughing. My eyes shot open, Beks and Chaz right up in my face. I groaned, stuffing my head into my pillow.

"Wake up, Sophers.." Beks said, in a baby voice.

"Shut up." I demanded, swatting my hand and hitting someone.

"Oww!" Chaz shouted.

"Yeah, you need to be away from her atleast two feet in the morning." Beks laughed.

"Guys." a voice said.



"Leave her alone. She's probably not feeling good." he said.

"I feel like crap." I exclaimed, through the pillow, probably not very audible, but he seemed to hear me pretty clearly.

"Fine.." Chaz grumbled, walking out of the room.

"Sophie, do you need anything?" Beks asked, a worried tone in her voice.

"Water, please." I said, pointing towards and empty glass from the night before.


When she was gone, I looked towards Justin, who was in the doorway, frowning.


"Hey, you." he smirked.

I tried mumbling a 'good morning', but it came out as a cough. Oh, darn..

"You don't sound too good."

"I feel terrible." I mumbled, bringing the covers over my shoulders.

"Are you cold?"

I nodded my head, my eyes still closed. A few seconds later, I felt a breeze come across my face. I opened my eyes and I saw my Scooby-Doo blanket on top of me.

I smiled, wrapping It around me. A sharp pain went through my head, making me grimace. Justin brought his hand up to my cheek, checking my temperature. He sighed, moving his hand to my forehead.

"You're burning up, Sophie." he said, pursing his lips.

"I'm freezing.."

"I'm gonna get my mom." he declared, standing up and walking out.

My stomach felt like it was flipping around all over the place. My throat burned, my head ached. I hate to admit it, but I think I'm sick.

A few seconds later, Rebekah came in, carrying a glass of ice water. She sat it down on the table beside my bed, then she walked out.

I put my hands around my stomach, as it continued to ache.

"Okay, dear. Let's take your temperature." Pattie blurted, coming into the room.

I opened my mouth and she put the thermometer under my tongue.

I looked up at Pattie, who gave m a reassuring smile. I let a groan, followed by a fit of coughs.

The thermometer beeped and Pattie looked down, her eyes growing wide.

"Goodness, Soph. You're almost 102." she gaped.

I huffed, closing my eyes again. Then it hit me..

Do I have to get a shot?

"Im gonna call the doctor.." Pattie sighed, walking out.

She walked out, past Justin. He looked at me, for minute before walking towards me.

I groaned, making him stifle a laugh. He saw the look on my face and stopped immediately.

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