Ice Cream

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Sophie POV

 Okay. So… I’m at Justin Bieber’s house.

 Pretty cool, right?

 Yeah, no. I hate him. Haha, just kidding. He’s actually a pretty decent singer. I like some of his songs. And you’d be blind if you said he wasn’t attractive.

 Let me tell you…

 He has to most gorgeous brown eyes I have ever seen. Dude, if he gave me the puppy dog eyes, I would just melt in a puddle.

 And he’s smile. Omigosh. He’s got the most amazing, white and perfectly straight teeth.

 Don’t get me started on his hair…

 Okay, now I sound obsessive. But I can’t help it. And don’t pretend like you’ve never admired a picture of Justin Bieber like I did because it’s different meeting him in person. He was hot…

 I get changed, and walk out of the guest room running into Justin’s chest.

 “There you are. My mom brought you back some Taco Bell.” he said, smiling.

 “Really?” I asked.

 I was surprised he actually got it for me. That was sweet of him…

 “Yeah Justin’s a suck up.” Chaz laughed.

 “Shut up!” Justin nudged him in the stomach.

 I giggled slightly and like a gentleman, Justin let me go in front of him. He is a suck up.

 I walked down the stairs with the guys following me. I heard them whisper something and Justin yell “Shut up man.”

 He says shut up a lot. Oh well.

 We walked into the huge brown and teal painted kitchen. I sat down at the kitchen table and started eating immediately.

 “Hungry?” Ryan asked, smirking.

 “Very.” I replied.

 The guys chuckled and they all sat down with me. Justin sat beside me…of course.

 I continue stuffing my face.

 “So, Sophie tell us about you.” Chaz said, all casual.

 I gave him a weird look while Ryan and Justin shook their heads in disbelief. I’d rather not give this kid my whole life story. He’s kind of a freak.

 “Well, here’s one thing about me, I don’t like when guys throw themselves at girls.” I smirk.

 “Oh, dude you just got smacked.” Ryan laughed.

 “Dude, she didn’t smack me!” Chaz exclaimed. Idiot.

 “It’s an expression.” Justin retorts, shaking his head.

 “Yeah, whatever that means.” Chaz says, throwing his hands in the air.

 Justin, Ryan, and I all burst out laughing while Chaz was still trying to figure out what the heck we were talking about. Wow, he’s really stupid.

 “Anyway… uh, Sophie. I was wondering-”

 “Uh, no.” I blurted out before Chaz got anything else out.

 “Rejected!” Ryan laughed.

 “Sophie. Well, you know how I found you on the bridge last night?” Justin asked.

 “No I don’t. I’m sorry.” I replied sarcastically.

 “Okay. Well, I was wondering why you were there?”

Just my Luck (Justin Bieber love story)Where stories live. Discover now