Dinner with the Girls

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The car ride with Kenny was pretty silent, except for the occasional small talk. Like, 'How has your day been?' and 'Scooter's a loser.' I've been looking out the window for the past 15 minutes until trees are all that I see. By now, the sun was going down and the sky was growing dark, making me wonder what time it would we when we got there.

"Where we at?" I asked, confused. "Aren't all the restaurants back the other way?"

"Trust me, I know where I'm goin'."

"I know where I'm going." I mock, making him laugh.

A couple minutes later, he drives into the entrance of a park. It looked deserted of people and kind of scary if you ask me.. Only because it's dark and there's no people. Kenny parked and pulled the key out of its ignition. I hopped out from the passenger seat, stretching.

"Hey, Kenny? Where-"

As I turned around, there was no Kenny. I felt my stomach drop as I went around the car to see if he was there, hiding. Nope.

"Dude, this isn't funny." I muttered, looking around the sketchy park.

I looked around the other side of the car. No sight of Kenny. My pulse started to race and my palms started to shake.

"Kenny this isn't funny. C'mon." I stated, my voice shaky.

I felt a pair of arms slither around my waist. I let out a high pitched scream, jumping twenty feet in the air. I tried to smack the arms away, but it was no use.

"Sophie, chill it's just me."

Justin's voice.

I turned, squinting my eyes. Sure enough, it was Justin. I left out a sigh of relief.

"You scared me!"

"That was the whole point." he said, winking.

"That was so mean." I chuckle, suddenly realizing that this whole thing was kind of awkward.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again." he smiled, but I knew he was lying.

"Yeah. Sure." I stated, making him laugh. "Where did you come from?"

"Well, my mom-" he sighed.

"Maybe I wasn't very specific with my question.. I thought you were with the guys?"

"I was. Kind of. They've been helping me all day."

"With what?"

"Our date." he smiled, shrugging.

Before I could even ask what, he brought his hands together, clapping twice.

Nothing happened. He sighed, heavily, and clapped his hands two times once again. In the corner of my eye, I could make out a figure who appeared to be Goode.

"Oh!" he exclaimed, quietly.

He brought a plug together and light flowed through the park, in every tree and down a path towards a beautiful white gazebo. This doesn't seem real..

This kind of stuff only happens in fairy tales. Not real life..


I snapped my head towards Justin, who had a worried look on his face.

"Do you like it?"

"Like it? I love it." I said, quietly, feeling a smile spread across my face. "It's so beautiful."

"Good." he smiled, taking my hand, and intertwining our fingers. He started walking towards the gazebo and I followed him, taking everything in.

This is so.. perfect. It's perfect.

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