Black Lace @bobrossofwriting

28 1 4

Reviewer: cwang1


What an interesting title! I've never really thought of the combination of the color black and lace, so this definitely intrigues me.

Wow! Such an amazing blurb! It definitely intrigues me and I'm very excited to read the book. I loved how you introduced each of the two characters separately but then talked about the conflict.

I really liked your description. You definitely had quite a bit of description and it made it so that I was able to clearly picture each scene and all of the characters.


Your cover is a bit simplistic and doesn't really stand out, in my opinion. I would recommend perhaps making the title pop out a bit more, as it almost blends into the background. Additionally, try making your username (on the cover) bigger, as that adds to how the cover looks. You might also want to add some lines or filters.

I did spot a few grammar and punctuation mistakes here and there, so I would suggest going back and fixing that, perhaps with an editor.

I would suggest adding a bit more insight, especially in the first few chapters, about the characters and their motives.

It honestly seemed a bit weird to me - how controlling the father was. Shouldn't the mother at least try to escape? Is Romina really not unhappy with the life she has? It seemed a bit unlikely and unrealistic to me.

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