Alone @caslovesleeping

18 0 2

Reviewer cwang1


I liked how your cover was very striking. It definitely left a very strong impression and would definitely draw me in.

I liked how you had a lot of description. I was able to clearly picture every scene, and the description is quite vivid.

I really liked your use of cliffhangers. You were able to transition smoothly in them and into the next chapter.

The plot was really interesting, and definitely kept me engaged the whole time. The plot was really fleshed out, and I was also able to follow it easily.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading your story! Your writing style was very detailed, and the plot was very developed.


I thought that you could perhaps make the title "Alone" a white color, as that would pop more in the cover, and give even more of an impression.  I spotted a few grammatical mistakes in your blurb. For example, it should be "its owner," instead of "it's owner." Additionally, there should be a comma before "but." I would just recommend going through the blurb, as that's the first impression you give a reader.

I also saw that sometimes you wouldn't use a comma where it was needed. Again, I would just recommend checking over your blurb to fix mistakes like this.

I would recommend fixing your sentence structure to make your sentences flow better. For example, try combining sentences or removing unnecessary words to make the sentences flow.

I did spot a few punctuation mistakes in your writing, like missing commas or incomplete sentences. I would just recommend checking over your writing and editing it, so that you can avoid small mistakes.

I thought that your dialogue could be a bit more developed. Right now, I feel that some of the dialogue is unnecessary or doesn't contribute to the story, so I would suggest either taking it out or replacing it.

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