Surviving You @TheSparklingWriter

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Reviewer- Savannah_Rose101

Title/Cover/Blurb- (8/10) - Your cover was a little dull but understandable due to the back story about the nuclear explosion and the pain behind it. Usually readers are attracted to the cover of a book before they even look at the description; therefore if the cover is bad you're less likely to gain a reader. The lettering style that is there is perfect for the cover. It's not too much but it still sticks out a bit, I also think it fits the story well because she survived the explosion, now she has to survive a whole other one, Dallas. The lower half of your blurb is beautiful and if I was you I wouldn't change a thing about it but the top part, maybe just adjust and reframe it a bit. You could say, "Pieces of my previous life torn and ripped to shreds. My mom, dad, and life stolen. And the root of it all, haunting everything I know and do, Nuclear power." Descriptions- (10/10) - Your descriptions were well written and versed. You had correct format and didn't just say really or very to be descriptive. Vocabulary/Grammar/Punctuation- (14/15) – Everything overall was good. Maybe use better advanced words (correctly) because the read felt a bit younger due to the level of the words. I didn't see any punctuation or grammar errors, but it's always good to go throughout you book to check. (Because I only read 7 chapters.) Pace of the story- (20/20) - You did really well with your pace. It didn't feel rushed or like a turtle walk. Also, don't forget that there are certain instances in your book where you need to speed up the pace a bit because you are coming up on the climax. Flow of the story- (18/20) – The flow is nice so far it seems to connect but the time flops could be better transitioned. Character/Dialogues- (9/10) – There could have been more dialogue but it was still good because of how well the descriptions were, it makes up for the lack in dialogue. Your character was well developed. The readers know her feelings, personality, and appearance. Storyline- (10/10) – The storyline is well portrayed from what I read. There aren't any plot wholes or anything so that's good! Overall Enjoyment (5/5) – I enjoyed this read. (94/100)

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