You're Not Enough @thereale1

51 3 3

Reviewer- cwang1


~The cover is simplistic and does its job very well. It's definitely intriguing and makes me wonder what the story is about.

~I like how you changed up the cliche "good girl saves bad boy" into a "bad boy saves the shattered girl."

~I especially liked how you pointed out the uniqueness of your plot in the blurb, as this will draw readers in.

~I like how you use a lot of description to ensure that the reader knows every detail. For example, you described the mentor as having blue eyes, which makes it seem more realistic for a reader.

~I enjoyed how you properly used dialogue to move the story along. In many instances, I saw how you were able to use dialogue to provide context to the story. Dialogue is a very hard part of writing to master, and you definitely did it!

~I liked how you provided a lot of Jayda's thoughts. It really helps the reader to better understand the story and to get the feel of the story.

~Overall, I really like how the mood of your story correlates to the plot. It really shows how mental illness can really affect a person. This is a serious issue, and it really goes with the tone of your story.


~In the cover, I would recommend perhaps making the title a bit bigger. It's the first thing you want someone to see, and it should really pop out.

~In your blurb, I would suggest reading over it a few times aloud to make sure that you don't have any spelling and grammatical errors. Since the blurb is one of the first things a reader sees, it should really be perfect. "Being in that facility helped none." This is one of the sentences in your blurb. Though I understand the meaning, the sentence itself is not structured correctly, and should perhaps be changed. You can alter it to be "Being in that facility didn't help Jayda at all," or something similar. You always want to be as clear as possible; if the reader cannot understand something, they will probably stop reading.

~ "But this time, Can the bad boy save the shattered girl before it's too late?" This is, again, another sentence in your blurb. The "c" in "can" should not be capitalized, as it's not for emphasis or at the beginning of a sentence.

~Again, I would recommend looking over your blurb, as the blurb is one of the most important parts of making a good first impression.

~I would recommend to, when writing chapters, especially the first few, as those are important in making good i

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