If She Knew @nabs_xoxo

20 2 3

Reviewer- SardonyxSwann


-Wonderfully descriptive... each description painted vivid pictures in my mind :)))

-The plot is really well thought-out and intriguing, and I find it really interesting as well! There are lots of turns in the plot and you can tell it's been really well thought-out. It's really surprising how members of Amyra's family will go through such lengths just to inherit the wealth and property of the Valdez family!


-There are noticeable grammatical errors, and while it's not a huge problem it still would be very beneficial to your story to go back and fix them.

-There are also a few punctuation errors, such as not putting commas where they're supposed to go and such. They're not as distracting as the grammatical errors, but they are still problematic and I highly recommend going back and fixing those as well.


Overall, I enjoyed your story a lot! I'd just fix the grammatical and punctuation errors. Other than that, you're good!

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