Ember @soul_searcher24

8 1 1

Reviewer: cwang1


What an interesting title! I love the choice.

I love how you used repetition to emphasize certain messages. Usually, this is a pretty hard technique, as if you use it too often or incorrectly, the reader may get very bored. However, I think you did a really good job with it.

I loved how you used imagery. I could definitely picture every scene in my head and that really made your poetry stand out.

I really liked how you sometimes ended your poetry on almost a type of plot twist; it definitely made it different from most of the poetry I have read on Wattpad, and I really liked it.


Your cover is pretty good, but I couldn't really work out why you included the little branch (?) under the word "ember." It doesn't really stand out and it's is somewhat hard to see.

I thought that your blurb was a little bit messy, and I couldn't really piece together all the pieces. If you are going to include the dictionary definition as a way to attract readers, you don't need to say that it is the dictionary definition. Instead, format it as the dictionary does and people will automatically assume that it is from the dictionary. I would just suggest reformatting your blurb and changing up the order a bit.

I did spot a few small errors here and there, like spelling errors, so I would just suggest looking back on that and making sure everything is correct.

I see that you sometimes don't put spaces after commas. I have actually seen quite a few people do this, so I'm not sure if it's just taught differently in other schools, but from what I've been taught, you are supposed to put a space after a comma.

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