The Tale Tell Book: Since 1920 @Bodhisattva00

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Reviewer: cwang1


I love the title! Just one thing though - in my country, you wouldn't put a space between the colon and the word "book," but I've seen people do it with a space so I'm unsure if it's just different in other schools.

I really liked your description! You really created an eerie mood and this definitely made your book stand out. This definitely made your writing a lot more interesting to read.

I liked how you had quite a bit of realistic dialogue, and this also helped to develop the characters' personality to a reader.


Some of your sentences were run-on or had incorrect grammar, so make sure to check that.

Your cover is a bit simplistic, and I don't like how the text looks like it was just "slapped" over the cover. Additionally, I couldn't really read the fancy font at the bottom, so perhaps you should make it bigger and put it in a different font.

You did format your dialogue incorrectly, so I would watch out for that. You aren't supposed to put a space between the words and the quotation marks, so make sure to fix that.

Some of your sentences were a bit choppy, so I would recommend going back and fixing the sentence structure. Try to vary the sentence structure up a bit to keep the reader engaged.

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