Whispers /wroetostar

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words: 1787
warnings: ;) ⚠️

Harry laid in the bed as he stared out the window, into oblivion. It was just past three o'clock and he was sure everyone in the house was asleep, except him of course. He shuffled in around the bed and sighed as he struggled to find a more comfortable position.

It was because the bed wasn't his, he knew that. He enjoyed staying over at the Sidemen house - of course he did - he just found it hard to fall asleep in a bed that wasn't his... in a house that wasn't his.

In conclusion, the guest room sucked.

He took his focus from out the dark window, and glanced around the room. His thoughts clouded his mind. He shut his eyes and tried counting in his head -because that sometimes helped him bring his focus to something else.

One, two, three four-

With his impatience getting in the way, Harry stopped at four as he got frustrated. He pouted as he looked around the room again, when suddenly, the picture of a certain dark haired and bushy eyebrowed man entered his mind, distracting him.

Harry thought about the other a lot- Vikk, that was. He had the softest brown hair that Harry enjoyed threading his fingers through. His dark brown eyes that Harry could stare into for hours as they held the galaxy. And his smile. Fuck, he loved his smile.

He started thinking of how Vikk would cuddle with him when he couldn't sleep. Just like right now. Now his head clouded with even more thoughts of the elder, and how comforting and warm his hugs were. His heartbeat sped up, and it felt as if butterflies erupted in his stomach.

He hesitated, but soon enough threw his covers off and pushed himself out of bed. His feet touched the cold wooden floor, and it creaked when he stood up. A shiver was sent down his spine from the sudden coldness.
Shutting his eyes tightly, he stood still. He knew even with the smallest noise, he could accidentally wake someone up, and he didn't want that. Everything was so much louder at night.

He finally began making his way to Vikk's room, walking quietly as possible, in hopes to not wake anyone up. Practically tiptoeing down the dark hall, Harry's eyes came in contact with Vikk's door.

He finally made it to the door and debated knocking but then thought that would make too much noise. So he just opened the door and slipped inside. The room was dark, but in true Vikkstar fashion, there was a little night light plugged into the wall. God, he took that thing everywhere with him. But Harry was glad about it. It wasn't much, but it was better than pitch black darkness.

He quietly walked over to the bed, to see Vikk sleeping peacefully. Harry admired his features for a moment, before whispering his name. "Vikk."

He stood back, focused on the bed and saw no movement at all. Harry moved closer, so he was standing right at the foot of the bed, and then proceeded to try again. "Hey, Vikk?" He said louder, and saw him stir around in his bed.

The elder could be seen slowly waking up, he hummed and opened his eyes. "Huh?" He groaned out, slightly confused.

"Mate, are you awake?" Harry asked quietly. Vikk's eyes flickered up to where the voice could be heard. Still half asleep, he stared at the younger.

"Harry, is that you?" Vikk whispered tiredly, seeming more awake than before, as he slowly started to gather his bearings. Harry noticed Vikk's messy hair in all sorts of directions, but he found it cute - it looked soft.

"Yeah, it's me." He whispered back, watching the elder.

"What are you doing? What time is it?" Vikk asked confused, while glancing around his room.

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