Until It's Gone /kshaw

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words: 3596
warnings: break up angst? ⚠️


Harry snoozed his alarm for the third time that morning, shying away from the stray ray of sunlight peeking through his curtains. He couldn't go back to sleep, he never could.

His stomach was aching, demanding food, but he had gotten used to this pain- he could endure it until he had the energy to eat. He hid under the blanket as if it could hide him, so he'd no longer have to exist.

"Why are you hiding from me baby?" Jj's warm voice chirped as strong arms wrapped around Harry's waist, pulling him up from under the blankets.

He squinted at the bright light in the room, seeing the form of his boyfriend. Before he could whine further he felt a soft pair of lips travel around his face, making him giggle. Out of habit, Harry tangled his hands in the others red, plaited hair. Once Jj moved a little further away, he felt his heart flutter. The golden sunlight highlighted all of Jj's features. Harry had never been so in love; never felt so strongly towards someone.

He suddenly felt cold. That small ray of sunshine wasn't as golden as it should have been, it was dull. He sat up, his head instantly a little dizzy and fuck, when was the last time he had eaten?

There was a loud banging on his bedroom door. It scared the living daylights out of him as he was supposed to be home alone- his roommate being on holiday with his girlfriend.

A part of him wanted to get up but he was so tired, he didn't know if he could. He felt a shiver down his spine; who used to show up at his place unannounced, and out of the blue?

"How did you get in?" He asked quietly, his head throbbing. Jj chuckled, turning around to look at the mess of a boy in front of him.

"I happen to know where you hide the spare key," there was a teasing tone to his voice. Harry just smiled, closing his eyes. "I also knew that you wouldn't eat breakfast if I didn't come and make it. You're always a mess when you're hungover."

He walked over and pulled Harry against his chest, kissing the younger's temple. If this is what he got, Harry wouldn't mind Jj breaking into his house more often.

The door opened and Harry saw Ethan, his best friend. They were so close, practically attached to the hip. So why did disappointment fill the pit of his stomach at the sight of his best friend?

Who was he expecting?

Ethan walked over to the bed mumbling to himself before looking at him, concern and rage filling his eyes.

"Hey, you can't just cut me off for three days! I couldn't get a hold of you, I was worried!" Harry was honestly quite impressed with how Ethan managed to sound like a mother of three, despite being a man, and having no children.

Harry moved to sit at the edge of the bed, looking at Ethan.

"Sorry mate, didn't mean to scare you. Has it actually been three days?" His voice was hoarse. The crying last night, having just woken up and not using his voice for days really did a number on his vocal chords.

Ethan rolled his eyes, grabbing Harry's wrist and dragging him out of the bedroom.

"Honestly mate, you can't just rot away in your bed forever." Harry didn't have the energy to fight back; Ethan only wanted to help and he knew that.

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