Help /wroetobehz

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words: 2217
warnings: panic attack lmao⚠️

requested by @Ch1ck3n55 -
they asked me to do wroetobehz and i'm SO GLAD they did because i realised i hadn't written them in agessssss,, so yeah hehe hope you like it <33

Ethan catches the eye of their manager, motioning towards Harry with his head but trying to be subtle about it. Harry is last in the chair next to him but his head of lowered, his nose brushing against the table. Beneath the table, his hand is gripped around Ethan's thigh, silently asking for help. He's overwhelmed.

Their manager turns to have a word with the nearest person and then they're nodding at her, giving them permission to get Harry out of there. It shouldn't be too hard to come up with an excuse for them going missing.

"Come on, Boggy. Let's go take a break." Ethan murmurs as he all but lifts Harry out of his seat.

Harry keeps quiet as Ethan directs him out of the room and through the first door they reach, lips pinched together. He leans heavily into Ethan side once they're away from the noise and Ethan stops to hold him for a minute.

He brushes Harrys messy hair from his face and watches him, carefully noting the tension in his jaw and the crimson flush that is burning high on his cheekbones. He is overwhelmed and stressed out; Ethan needs to get him somewhere that he feels safe.

"Can you walk with me, Harry? I'll help you." Harry nods, albeit distractedly, only making a move when Ethan tugs him into action. With their arms curled together they slowly make their way down the corridor. Ethan keeps an eye out for a free room- Harry just needs some space and some silence. That should help.

Fan meets are, honestly, one of Ethan favourite parts of being a Youtuber. He loves interacting with their fans, being able to talk with them face to face. He really enjoys it. He thrives off the environment and the atmosphere and the conversation- it only makes him want to work harder, to make their fans proud. Nevertheless, not all of his friends feel the same way.

Josh always worries about meeting fans- despite being incredible at articulating himself, he's always convinced that he'll misunderstand someone and cause trouble.

Jj doesn't love them either- he gets tired quickly, and things like this can take too long. He never wants to come across as unappreciative of their fans, but it's hard to remain one hundred percent enthusiastic when you've been sat in the same place for so many hours on end.

Harry probably hates them the most though. even meeting one new person can be hard for him; he struggles to talk to strangers without overthinking everything he does, getting himself worked up over every word he says. So as can be imagined, meeting hundreds of people in one sitting is not his idea of a good time.

This event is being held in some sort of conference centre, and the room they used to get ready for before the event is still full of stylists and other members of staff. Just around the corner, though, there is a similar room which happens to be completely vacant.

"Here we are, baby. This will do." Ethan pushes the door open with his hip, thanking his lucky stars that it isn't locked, and hauls Harry inside. He quickly switches on the ceiling lights before he focuses back on the boy trembling in his arms.

"You want the sofa or the floor?" Ethan asks him, watching as the younger blearily assess his options. His eyes are foggy and his head feels too light to stay balanced on his neck- just looking from side to side makes him want to throw up. His skin is burning in every spot it's touching the rough fabric of his clothing and his ribs are squeezing too tightly around his delicate lungs.

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