Happy Birthday To Me /wroetosdmn

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words: 4559
warnings: liiitle bit of anxiety ⚠️

REQUESTED BY- @deathbytokyo
the boys forgetting harry's birthday + him being really sad about it :))

Harry woke up as soon as his alarm rang. He hit the clock next to his bed and sprang up, already excited for the day. On any other occasion his sudden excitement would concern him, but today was different. Today was his birthday. And he was going to make the most of it.

He immediately changed into his clothes, sneaking as quietly as he can to not wake Jj. His roommate was dead to the world, his face smushed in his pillow. Harry smiled at the sight, closing the door slowly. He turned and padded to the kitchen area, where he found Josh already eating breakfast.

"Harry? You're up early," The older commented, his spoon paused halfway to his mouth. He hummed, wondering if he should tell the others right away. He shook his head to himself. No, the others will celebrate on their own. He doesn't need to remind them.

"There's still some cereal left," Josh murmured as he pushed at the black hair matted on his head. "You might have to leave for meetings early if the others don't wake up soon."

Harry tilted his head. It wasn't odd for them to start their schedules differently, but usually he went with somebody. As if he sensed his question, Josh shook his head apologetically.

"No, I can't go with you. I promised Simon I'd help him with something today." The lack of explanation made Harry squint his eyes.

"Is it a video he wants you in?"

The eldest just shrugged. "Something like that."

"Hmm," He said, suspicious, but he left it at that. He turned, making himself a bowl of cereal. He sat next to Josh at the table, munching away at the healthy but bland oats.

When he finished, he moved to the bathroom, starting his normal morning routine. He was still the only other up when he exited. He sighed to himself. Maybe he should've just slept in his normal time after all.

He paused in the hallway, a new idea sprinting forward. What if, everyone was sleeping in on purpose so that he'd leave early? Then while he was gone, they'd make birthday plans without him knowing. He grew giddy at the idea, but he quickly stuffed the feeling down.

No, it's a normal day, he just happened to get up earlier than usual. Instead of someone like Simon leaving first, it's just him. But still, the feeling remained at the back of his mind. He was a Youtuber, and he'd seen videos of other people surprising their friends on their birthday. It wasn't out of the ordinary if the boys tried to do the same. He can just pretend he had no idea.

With his mind made up, Harry entered the living room area, waving at Josh, who was going to wake the others.

"I'm off then," He whispered. The other gave him a warm smile, waving back. Harry reached the front door and wiggled his shoes on. He did a once over, checking his phone and his bag for things like his water bottle and charger. Satisfied, he plugged his earphones in and left.


When Harry arrived at the YouTube company building, he was greeted by a lot of staff. All of them wished him a happy birthday and he brightened considerably. He was glad that they remembered and were kind enough to tell him so.

He grimaced at the exhaustion he knew he would feel by the end of today. Why couldn't his birthday fall on a less busy day? Or even a free day? He enjoyed relaxing. Not that he didn't enjoy his work, but he wasn't learning anything new. They were at the point that he could do this in his sleep.

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