How On Earth /wroetobehz

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words: 2586
warnings: eating disorders⚠️

Ethan loved and cared for his boyfriend ever so dearly, and that's why he was starting to worry about him. He couldn't help but.

When Harry first started to show interest in working out and going to the gym with Ethan, he was thrilled. The idea of his boyfriend finally taking care of his own body was amazing to him.

After a few weeks, they had gotten into a routine that consisted of going to their local gym multiple times a week. They'd spot each other on bench, they'd try to outlast the other on the treadmills, and most importantly, they had fun.

But more recently, that just hadn't been the case.


"Where you going?" Ethan quietly mumbled as he felt his boyfriend get out of their bed, leaving him cold.

"Gonna hit the gym." He replied with a smile, pulling a pair of boxers over his now incredibly defined legs. Ethan pulled a face, before sitting up against the headboard.

"Bog it's a rest day today, get back into bed with me." He pleaded, just wanting to cuddle. Harry shook his head whilst looking for the appropriate t-shirt.

"Don't need rest, I'm all good." He bluntly spoke, flinging a grey top over his toned chest. Ethan watched in slight awe, as he leaned into the mirror against the wall, ruffling his light brown hair, trying to style it. He loved Harry's hair, he wanted to run his hands through it, he wanted him to get back into bed, just so he could run his hands through it.

But as soon as he gave himself a once over in the full length mirror, tucking the front of his top into his black shorts, he was out of the room.

He had been doing that a lot recently -claiming he didn't need rest. So much so, that it had come to the point of him not taking a single day off in the past two weeks. Ethan had pretty much lectured him one night in bed, giving him many reasons as to why his body needed time to relax, but as he was only half way through his argument, he heard light snores escape the younger's mouth. He rolled his eyes with slight annoyance, only to then snuggle up to him, holding his tight frame close to his chest.


"No Harry, you're taking a day off," Ethan tiredly sighed, as he watched his boyfriend put on his gym attire, now scurrying around trying to find his AirPods. He'd gone a month now, refusing to take a single day off. "and before you even start, don't give me that shit again. You do need to rest, your body needs to. This, what you're doing, it isn't healthy." Harry turned at that, looking Ethan dead in the eyes.

"How is going to the gym, in any world, not healthy?" He looked to his body in the mirror opposite him, then to his blistered hands. He examined them for a while, before shaking his head.

"I need to go to the gym Ethan, I have to go." He spoke slowly, putting his hands back into his pockets and walking out the bedroom door.

It was now Ethan's turn to shake his head, though he did it in defeat. There was no point in arguing with Harry when he got like this, his arrogance got the better of him, it would be impossible to change his mind, even if the opposing idea benefited him, as it did in this case, and pretty much every other.

"Fine, whatever," He called from the bed "but you'll have to make it quick. Sidemen filming." He pulled the covers over himself as he spoke, not wanting to hear Harry's reply.

Harry mentally smacked himself, knowing that there was no way he would be able to bail. Many viable excuses flooded through his mind. He could get out of this if he just begged hard enough, right? Though much to his dismay, he knew he had to film with the boys. It wasn't like he hated them or anything, he loved his friends dearly. He just had more important things to attend to, like going to the gym.

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