Suits You /minishaw

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words: 1282
warnings: (none for once hehe)⚠️

Simon needed to be alone. He needed to be alone so that he could think, which was why, despite the weather, he carried himself and his bag to a bench on the far side of the park.

Solitude is not always easy to find in such a chaotic environment, but it was February, the temperature was barely above freezing, and the cold, Simon knew, would keep most people indoors. And if anyone did come out, they would probably avoid that particular bench. It was directly opposite the main oak tree the park was built around, and citizens of his small town usually preferred to spend their lunch break somewhere that was not a place you'd most likely freeze to death if you stayed still just a little bit too long.

Simon did not mind being over looked - not from that distance, anyway - all he wanted was the chance to think without any distractions. And he was sitting on the bench, his hoodie pulled firmly down over his ears, holding his hands in his lap... when a distraction came walking across the grass towards him.

It was a boy about his own age - though not one he recognised - and possibly the most distracting thing about him was what he was wearing.

Or rather, what he wasn't.

Despite the cold, he had no coat. All he had on was a little black and white striped dress, which left his arms and shoulders completely exposed to the winter air. Wherever he was heading, Simon thought, there were good odds he would get hypothermia before he even got there.

From the corner of his eye he watched as, to his surprise, the boy continued to walk directly towards him until he stopped, and then sat down at the other end of the bench. The wooden slats were still coated with frost, but this did not seem to trouble him. He sat there, and stared calmly out across the park at the huge tree on the far side, without uttering a word.

Simon had not wanted company, but he was curious. Why had he come across the field to sit beside him? Why had he not spoken? And why was he apparently immune to the cold?

"You might want some of this," he said, holding out his mug. "it's only tea, but it's warm."
The boy turned to face him, then turned his head in the opposite direction, as if to see who he was talking to. When he realised there was nobody else, and that he must have been talking to him, a look of shocked surprise crossed his face.

"Are you... are you talking to me?" He asked.
Simon only nodded in response, still holding out his sliver flask.

Simon did his best to hide his smile while he quietly watched the boy drink the remains of his tea, and screw the cup back onto the thermos.

"So, what's your name?" Simon asked wryly, wanting to know more about this mysterious person. A crease formed between the boys eyebrows, as if he were thinking.

As the boy opened his mouth to speak, a sound emerged from Simon's coat. A text message. He looked to the boy apologetically, before sliding the phone out of his pocket. He looked at the text, and then to the time, before letting out a loud sigh.

"That means you have to go, doesn't it?" Said the boy, a slight frown etched on his face. Simon agreed that it did. He picked up his flask and put it in his bag, but made no move to leave.

"The thing is," the boy murmured, "I was wondering... would you mind coming back? After?" He played with the hem of his dress, anxiously awaiting an answer.

"I don't mind waiting." He quickly added on.

Simon froze for a minute, unsure. There was something that drew him to the idea of saying yes; he was curious. He nodded his head.

"You don't mind?" He smiled slightly, not expecting such a response.

"No," Simon stood up and slung the bag over his shoulder. "No, that'd be fine."
He took a few steps in the direction of the parks exit.

"I'm Harry," said the boy, causing a grinning Simon to turn back around. "Harry Lewis."

"Simon," he spoke, still a smile on his face.
"Simon Minter."


While Simon was on his way, it briefly crossed his mind to skip what he was doing, and go back to the park, though he decided against it, as he was already close to his destination.

When he walked through the parks threshold at quarter past four and saw Harry waiting for him on the bench, Simon's first feeling was one of relief. A part of him had half expected to discover that the whole thing had been some sort of delusion - caused by the fact that he hadn't slept the previous night - and the sight of Harry, waiting as he had promised, was oddly reassuring.

As he got closer, it became apparent that he had changed his clothes. The zebra like dress has gone and he was now wearing jeans and a fluffy coat, complete with a pair of Uggs on his feet and a knitted hat on his head. He stood up and gave a small wave as Simon approached.

"Hi." Simon stopped in front of him. There was a slightly awkward pause.

"If we try and talk out here, we'll freeze. Is there somewhere we could go?" Harry spoke.

"You could come back to mine if you'd like?" Simon spoke, his statement seeming more like a question. He didn't want to pressure him.

The small smile that spread across his rosey cheeks was apparently contagious, because Simon found himself doing the same.

"How far is it?" Harry asked, not wanting to walk far as he felt a little more tired than usual.

"It's only five minutes away." He spoke reassuringly, before leading the way out the park and leading the way.

They walked for silence for a few minutes, though it wasn't very awkward as they both seemed to be rather content.

"You changed." Simon spoke, disrupting the peaceful silence that creeped around them. There wasn't many people outside, due to the weather.

Of course he had noticed the boys outfit change immediately, he just chose to not speak of it until that particular moment in time.

"You don't like it?" Harry asked, suddenly feeling rather insecure. For most of his life he had been ridiculed for his sense of style and fashion. Remarks about how he dressed 'too feminine' or 'not manly enough' were made way too often, and it'd slowly start to become detrimental to his confidence.

Simon shook his head, as he saw the prominent frown on the boys face.

"No, I like it. Suits you." He spoke bluntly.

- - -
okayy idk why but i'm acc proud of this one. thought i'd leave it there but because this was my attempt to write fluff, and i know if it goes any further it will just turn into angst hehe

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