Tower Bridge

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words: 876
warning: suicide hehe⚠️

REQUESTED BY @iggyzzo -
harry had been struggling with depression for a while now, but refused to except the fact that he needed help - much to the boys dismay.


Harry had no idea where he was going, so he just carried on walking. He didn't care that his hands were numb, he didn't care that he felt like his legs were about to give way, that he was about to collapse. The cold rain trickled down his neck, but he was too tired to even shiver. This time, he wasn't even wasted, he was too fucking sober.

"Jj?" He whispered into the dirty London air, desperation clear in his tone. He wanted him right now, he needed him. He pulled out his phone, searching his contacts for one person in particular.

"Why are you calling me Harry? It's half three in the fucking morning, what do you want?" JJ asked groggily, wiping the sleep from his eyes.
"What do you want?" He repeated again, as he didn't get a reply the first time he asked.
"Jide." He mumbled, almost inaudibly.
"Holy shit are you alright?" Jj asked, hearing his horse voice sound through the phone.
"Jide, I-I need help." He spoke, trying his best to hold back a sob, he didn't realise he was crying until now.

"Where are you Harry? I'm coming to get you." He heard strong wind and rain through the speaker, he knew he wasn't inside. Harry had no idea where he was, but he felt the need to answer Jj's question.
"I don't know, I need help." He said again weakly, disappointed in himself. He had been walking around the streets of London for hours upon hours now.

"Okay, tell me what you can see." Jj said calmly, whilst putting his shoes on. So that's what Harry did. He looked at his surroundings, and as soon as he noticed where he was, he let out a cry.
"T-Tower Bridge. I'm standing on the bridge." He admitted, crying through the phone. Jj muttered kind words to his friend, letting him know it would be okay, telling him that he, and Simon, were on their way. Harry didn't really want Simon there, he just wanted Jj, but he was too scared to say it.

"Simon get the fuck up!" Jj shouted from outside his room, knocking on the door frantically. Simon then appeared, an annoyed look plastered across his face. "Harry, he said he wants help now," He muttered, and Simon's expression turned from annoyance to one of relief. "but he's uh- he's at Tower Bridge. We need to get there now." He spoke with urgency, and Simon's face fell. He instantly knew what was happening. He could read people like that.


They hadn't been driving for that long, and were almost there- most likely due to the rate they were driving. They had no time to care about speeding tickets, or their own safety, their priority was Harry.

As Simon hit the breaks, they saw a figure on the bridge, and the realisation that this was actually happening hit him, hard. He was already starting to becoming much more worried. He had every right to be. How was he supposed to approach a situation like this? What would he have to say?

"W-We can do this, right?" He stuttered, unsure of his capabilities.

"We have to Simon. What other choice do we have? We're not letting him fucking kill himself. Not our Harry, No. We can't let this happen." Jj spoke quickly, reassuring his friend as they got out of the car.

They approached him slowly, as they saw him turn around. His tear stained face shone in the moonlight, and his expression was fuelled with desperation. They could see his tears from where they were standing.

"Harry." Jj spoke, trying to keep his voice steady. The sight he saw before him was not a pretty one. He himself was scared, so he couldn't even begin to imagine how Harry felt.

"Harry, please come down from there. I'm here now, Simon's here too. We can go get some help. Yeah?"

Harry shook his head, wiping the tears from his eyes with his hoodies sleeve.

"I can't be helped." He muttered, genuinely believing his own words.

"Bogger, you know that's not true. You can come back from this. We can take you home." Simon pleaded, wanting nothing more than to help his friend.

Harry turned at that. At what Simon called him.

"Bogger?" He said, almost shyly. He hadn't referred to him like that in a long time. Now thinking about it, he couldn't even remember the last time he had.

Simon only nodded to Harry, as he held his arm out. He knew he had to be careful. One wrong move, and that could be it.

Harry shakily stood there, closing his eyes. He didn't want to move. He felt like he couldn't. But as soon as he looked to Jj, and saw the absolute terror in his eyes something clicked.

He didn't want to jump off this bridge.

He didn't want to die.

He didn't know what he was doing.

And he didn't know what he wanted.

But he knew he couldn't do this.

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