Bunny Rabbit /wroetosdmn

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words: 1844
warnings: sad flufffffff hehee ⚠️

Harry wanted to cry. It was late, and he was tired, and he wanted nothing more than to sleep, but he couldn't. Why? Because his favourite teddy bear was missing, and it had been since they came back from a weekend trip the previous day.

Call him childish, but Harry had never been able to sleep without his stuffed rabbit. He'd gotten it when he was three years old and he hadn't let go of it since.

Once he'd lost it while on holiday with his family. He'd cried so much that his mother had actually called the hotel they stayed at to ask if they'd found it, and if there was a way they could get it back. Thankfully, the teddy had been at the hotel, and the manager had been kid enough to send it to them without asking for any payment for the shipping.

Then, when he was older, his mother had decided that it was time he stopped with the childish habit, and had hidden the toy. Harry had cried on the first day when he couldn't find it. He'd been embarrassed about it, though, already being twelve years old, so he'd soon started pretending it didn't affect him.

But he couldn't sleep without it. He tried, but he just couldn't do it. After three sleepless nights, his mother seemed to notice that her plan wasn't working and had given the boy his rabbit back. That night, Harry slept like a log.

When he'd joined the sidemen and moved into the 'sidemen house', he wondered if he should leave his rabbit at home. He would be living with other people, people he'd have to spend a lot of time with. He didn't want to look like a little kid in front of them.

In the end, though, he opted to take the stuffed toy with him. He was relieved when, on his first night, he noticed some of the others with stuffed animals in their rooms. None of them slept with the toys, as they stayed situated on their shelves or desks, but Harry chose to ignore that.

And now he'd lost it. He'd lost his teddy and had found that he still couldn't sleep without it. But now he was twenty four years old, living with other boys his age, and the fact that he needed a toy to help him sleep embarrassed him more than ever. He wanted to find it, more than anything, but the idea of telling anyone about it... he just couldn't stomach it.

So he continued searching the house, trying not to look suspicious. He would die if he had to explain himself to anyone.

Unfortunately, Harry wasn't as subtle as he hoped to be. After an hour of searching he was stopped by Tobi.

"Boggo man, what are you looking for? You've been searching the house since yesterday." Harry felt his cheeks heat up and but his lip, looking at the floor. He didn't want to tell the older about his problem, but what else could he say? He sighed.

"I-I lost my rabbit..." He mumbled. He looked back up to see Tobi with an eyebrow raised.

"Is that all? Why didn't you ask any of us if we'd seen it?" Harry shrugged. Truth is, it would have been less suspicious if he'd gone to them in the first place. They wouldn't have found it weird, it was just like losing a t-shirt or a sock. They didn't know that, to Harry, finding the toy was essential. But Harry knew that it was, and in his mind, as soon as he asked for help the others would notice the problem and laugh and tease him.

"I thought It'd be easy to find." He answered after a few seconds. Tobi hummed. Then he turned to the others in the front room who were still awake. Which was a lot of people, since only Vikk and Jj had gone to bed already.

"Boys, has anyone seen Harry's rabbit thing?" Harry blushed from head to toe.

Oh god, they would know. There was no way they wouldn't notice. They would know that Harry still needed a teddy bear to sleep, and they would hold it against him for the rest of his life. He'd have to move out-

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