Yes /minishaw

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words 1903
warnings: none hehe ⚠️

Fights typically start with the little things, like how a person doesn't put the toilet seat down, or how they put shit off until the last minute, and that's exactly how Simon and Harry ended up arguing at the night of the party they're throwing.

"I literally told you to go to the nearest shop and buy the specific wine, didn't I?" Simon fixes his clothes in an angry manner, angering Harry even more. "And I told you I didn't have time. So why the fuck are you getting mad at me now?"

"Excuse me? I already did my fucking part. I arranged everything, from planning to sending invitations out. I asked you to do one thing, Harry. One. Thing." Now Simon was facing the other.

He didn't want this night to start like this because he knows that at least one of them will end up crying, but much more because they're throwing their engagement party.

"Then you should have done the buying as well since you're so great at it." Harry struggles with his tie like he always does, and Simon can't let him look unpresentable just because they're fighting. So he reaches out and does it for him and Harry just lets him.

"That's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying that you could have at least told me this morning, not when the party's a few minutes away from starting." At this point, they both just want to leave the room because they're pretty sure they'll say things they don't mean. It's the night of their engagement party, for fuck's sake.

"I've had enough of this. Let's just go, it's starting. Act civil with me for a few hours, I'm begging you." Harry grabs his coat and opens the door. He's over this conversation, at least for now. They can just deal with it later.

"You say that like I'm going to be fucking petty. Don't worry, I won't be going anywhere near you after we greet everyone." Simon grabs his coat as well and starts to head outside but stops midway since Harry's blocking the way.

"See? This is exactly what I'm saying. Fuck this." He pulls the door close a little too hard and he immediately regrets it. He waited for a few seconds for the door to open, hoping Simon would come out soon, but it didn't. He walks over to the door, only to hear Simon talking to himself on the other side.

"You just have to get through this party, Simon. Get your shit together. Okay, let's go."

Harry rushes back to the start of the stairs, where he was standing earlier. "Let's–" He was cut off by Simon just walking past him. That's when he feels his heart clench. He's giving him the silent treatment, the worst of it all. He can stand the eye-rolling, the mumbling under breath, the glares from the other side of the room, but not the silent treatment.

He follows the elder down, stopping him before the guests see him. "We have to be together." He reminds him and holds his hand. But Simon didn't hold his back.

"Ah, the soon-to-weds are here!" Harry's mum exclaimed in excitement, raising her champagne glass, proposing a toast. "To the happy couple, Harry and Simon!" Everyone raises their glasses and clinks them to the glass held by the person next to them.

'Happy, yeah, sure.' Simon thinks.

"Speech!" One visitor shouted. Normally, Simon would speak and give out a cheesy speech, but not tonight. Harry looks at him and sees him flash a fake smile. Sensing the other wouldn't be talking any time soon, he starts the speech.

"B-Before anything else, I'd like to thank everyone who came today," He claps his hands together. "I can't believe we're going to be married soon. I've waited for this moment for years now. Those who witnessed our love story from the start, you already probably knew that." He pauses and laughs. The crowd laughs along with him.

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