Forever, Haz.

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words: 2,113
genre: angst, domestic abuse⚠️

Harry was late to filming again, and the boys were already more than pissed off. It was the third time this week, and what made it all the worse was that they each had a tight schedule to attend to. It was impacting everyone massively, and it seemed as though the youngest was unable to see that.

A few had labelled him as irresponsible, incompetent and selfish, whilst the rest settled on the fact that he was just simply immature. They blamed it on his youth, of course. But what they didn't know, was that his 'youth' also made him prone to such things as gullibility, and a tendency to be naive. That landed him in difficult situations very often, and had a bad effect on how his life played out.

"What's your excuse this time then, mate?" Jj hissed as Harry finally walked into the living room, massively angered by the fact that his friend was over half an hour late, yet again.

"I-I was uhh, I-" He awkwardly stuttered, already wanting the ground to swallow him whole. He paused, once realising he was being faced with twelve glaring, angry eyes. He watched as they shook their heads in disappointment, sighing and taking a seat on the couch, as far away from everyone as possible.

Already sunken deep into his thoughts, he sat there almost lifeless, trying his hardest to drown out the surrounding sounds.

"Hey guys, and welcome back to MoreSidemen! Okay, so today we are gonna be..." A voice beamed, presumably Simon's, as he did do most of the work for the second channel. Slowly, he let the voices around him become silent whispers, whilst putting himself on autopilot, allowing a stippling to laugh to come out every now and then, and maybe the occasional nod of his head, without even realising it.

The next hour and fifteen minutes went smoothly, though of course, he couldn't drown everything out completely, so the odd cackle from Ethan would catch him off guard, causing him jump in his seat a little, bit that was completely normal at this point.


"Hello? Earth to Harry?" Tobi yelled from across the sofa, waving his hand back and forth, gaining no reaction from the still man. The boys looked over to him as he sat with his knees under his chin, all slightly confused.

"Harry!" Ethan exclaimed suddenly, finally causing him to snap out of his apparent daze. He jumped in slight fear, causing each of the boys to erupt into a fit of laugher.

"You alright there bog?" Ethan giggled, noticing the hand he had laid upon his chest, and the shaky breaths he took.

"Y-Yeah, no, yeah I'm good." He stammered, shaking the feeling out of his body slightly. Satisfied with the answer he was given, Ethan went back to his phone, still giggling slightly. He looked around the room in confusion, realising that they had finished filming, and in the process gaining a weird look from Josh. Already feeling uncomfortable, he decided he'd go outside to calm down.

"I-I uh, I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna uh, just go outs-side, for uh, yeah. I- yeah." He tried to speak through his stutter, cringing at himself as he did, giving up after a short while. A couple of the boys just nodded in response, while the rest ignored his words, still annoyed at him for being late.

Once the door had closed behind him, Josh put his phone down, and sat up in his seat.
"Did he seem weird to you?" He questioned, noticing that he had seemed slightly off.

"Yeah, but when isn't he weird?" Ethan murmured, completely enticed in his phone. That comment struck a nerve, though instead of retaliating, he chose to ignore it. With that, he stood, not wanting to be around them any longer.

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