Chapter 13

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'Moon runes? Are you sure?'
The hobbit nodded his head as he looked at his companion. The way she had said it, almost made it sound like she thought it to be rubbish. But he had seen it with his own eyes as the elf had placed the map on a crystalline table.
'You don't believe me?'
Frêllian looked at him with a smile, her eyes sparkling in the early morning sun. Almost like they held a secret she desperately wanted to tell. Then she chuckled, facing the courtyard.
'I could have saved Gandalf the trouble,' she then said. 'It would have made things much easier for the quest.'
'What do you mean? They can only be read on the same day and same moon as the day they were written.'
'The wizard could just ask a child of the moon instead. Then he would have had this little piece of information a lot sooner.'
Now that got his attention! He had heard the dwarves joke about it last night. Making fun of ferien and their foolish believe they were descendants of the moon. And it had indeed sounded foolish. But he had never thought Frêllian to be foolish, so perhaps there was some kind of truth in it then?
'You can read moon runes?'
This earned him another chuckle as Frêllian looked at him again. Finding his surprised expression very amusing indeed. But then she nodded, a ghost of a smirk still on her face.
'Why are you so surprised, little rabbit? Have you not heard of my ancestry?' Bilbo nodded slowly, not really understanding what she means. 'Then it should not have come as a surprise to you.'
Now the hobbit felt a bit stupid for even questioning her gift. With a flustered face, he decided to look at the passing elves instead. But then it hit him! Had the ferian next to him hinted that she could actually read the runes at any time she desired?
He turned his head towards Frêllian again, who was looking at him with a knowing smile.
'Elves are not the only one blessed with magic,' she told him, her hand moving towards her injured shoulder. Bilbo watched as she gently moved it up and down, presumably to ease the sting of the tender spot. 'Dwarves posses it too. And ferien as well. Though it can't be compared to that of elves of course. I would not have been able to make the runes visible for everyone, but I would be able to read them.'
Bilbo watched her hand as the female gently rubbed her shoulder, realizing a moment too late what he was doing and how it might look to the ferian. Again his ears redden and he quickly looked away. But luckily Frêllian hadn't noticed as she looked at the moving water of the fountain instead.
'You might have noticed we heal faster than others,' the ferian continued, releasing her shoulder. 'But you already knew that.'
Bilbo simply nodded.
'And as a child of Selèna – the sister of Lüna,' she quickly added, upon seeing the confused look of her hobbit friend. 'We are blessed to read all that has to do with the moon.'
'And is it because of this Selèna that you can turn into a wolf as well?'
The gentle smile that had been gracing her lips, suddenly dropped, as Frêllian turned to face Bilbo. Her facial expression changing to one of surprise. Then her smile reappeared as she turned her gaze to the sky, a distant look in her eyes.
'No, my dear friend, it is not,' was her reply as the hobbit looked at her anxiously. For the ferian had never really said much about the origin of ferien. 'That gift we owe from her youngest son, Ferès.'
Bilbo swallowed. Should he ask her about her origin? Would he even dare? He had done so once before and had resulted in Frêllian snapping angrily at him. But now, she seemed so serene. Perhaps this time she was willing to tell him.
His eyes scanned her face for any betrayal of discomfort, or even anger. But upon seeing the female so at ease, he doubted he could say anything to anger her. For a moment he just watched her, enjoying the look of serenity of Frêllian. A rare sight to behold indeed, for the ferian always seemed to have her guard up.
Something had happened, Bilbo decided. Something good.
'Could you-could you tell me?'
Frêllian looked taken aback by his question and Bilbo wondered if he had made a mistake. She couldn't blame him for being curious though, could she? Who was he kidding? This was Frêllian! For goodness sake, the female had been angry at Dwalin for being her father! Though would he not have reacted the same if it had been him? Surely Frêllian would not be angered by a simple question, right? She was not a feral beast, not anymore. Right?
He felt his nerves getting the better of him, remembering how she had been when they had first met. She had changed since then. But was it enough?
'The story of the existence of ferien, is a love story,' she then began slowly, making the hobbit breathe out in relief. 'A love story between the moon and a direwolf. Though I do not think it will be of much interest to you, little rabbit. I myself never really fully understood it either.' She glanced at him for a moment, inspecting him almost. 'But according to legend, there used to be two moons – two sisters. Lüna still graces our world with her light. Selèna became a woman, because she fell in love with Dêrus – a direwolf. The creator of all took pity on them, you see. And after transforming Selèna, he turned Dêrus into a human as well. They had three sons, each destined to become a great nation.'
Bilbo watched the ferian with interest as she spoke. She had never really told him much about ferien, nor about her believes. Only that it seemed that she called for the moon in time of need. And at times he had caught her talking to the moon on nights the ferian had been depressed. So he had long figured out Lüna was the moon she so admired.
But while Selèna was a name he had heard often as well, the hobbit could never really place her. Thinking her to be another entity ferien worshipped.
'What happened to them?' Bilbo questioned, once he noticed the ferian had stopped talking. 'Have they become a great nation?'
'Indeed they have.' Her eyes travelled to the two young princes as they sparred together. 'In fact, you have met all three of them already.'
Bilbo remained silent and she knew he was searching his mind. His brow furrowed as he pondered hard and he lifted his hand to apparently count his encounters. He had one finger up, confident about that answer. Not that the line of the youngest son would be tricky to guess. And while the line of the middle son might be a bit trickier, it was easy for those who would pay close attention to all their encounters.
But it was the eldest son, who's secret had been long forgotten by most. His linage such a secret, his own descendants didn't even know about it. Except of course, for those few who had been told.
Frêllian chuckled as she watched Bilbo lower his second finger again, clearly doubting his choice.
'I have already told you about the descendants of Ferès,' she spoke as she gently laid her hand on top of his, to lower it. 'The youngest and most gentle of the three brothers.' Bilbo nodded. 'The middle son, Lüfran, was the complete opposite of his younger brother. He was ruthless, even in terms of a direwolf. And after his banishment he became the first warg. A wolf-like creature, larger than any other, but intelligent as well.'
Bilbo listens in amazement, as the young ferian finally told him a part of her history. And while he was curious how wargs weren't able to shift like ferien, he didn't dare ask her. Afraid he might never get a chance like this.
'As for the eldest.' Frêllian stopped for a moment as she looked at the dwarves. 'Even his descendants don't know about it.'
She chuckled as Bilbo looked at her questionably, saying he was free to ask. But he remained silent. So many questions circled through his head, but none he could voice with his mouth. So Frêllian continued.
'But I know quite a few, and you do too.'
A sudden movement stopped Bilbo from asking her what she had meant. But with the appearance of the young male ferian – Cànwrif was his name? – Bilbo found himself unable to speak. It's not like he feared the ferian would hurt him. For he had a feeling Frêllian would not allow it. But he feared he would make a fool of himself.
'Don't give away everything, Frêllian,' the male said with a smirk. 'Let's see if he can find this one out by himself.'
Bilbo glared at the intruder. He had decided from the start, that he definably did not like Cànwrif. He was way too cocky, too playful and he had a bad habit of intruding. And worst of all, the ferian was way too friendly with Frêllian. And it bothered Bilbo endlessly. For crying out loud, Frêllian was like the queen of her people and Cànwrif was treating her like she was his equal!
'If the hobbit is as smart as you say, he should have no trouble at all.'
As the ferian eyed him with a cocky grin, Bilbo found himself recomposing himself. Straightening his back, to seem taller. His glare never leaving the ferian.

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