Chapter 2

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'Don't you even dare coming near me, scum!'
Frêllian growled as an orc began to walk over to her. The coward froze as her cold eyes looked straight at him, her lips curled up to show her fangs. Why couldn't these stupid creatures understand she would never allow anyone on her back, never! No matter how many times they would try.
With one last snarl, the ferian turned around, jumping on a rock away from the orc. If he wanted to join the hunt, he could mount a warg. Or perhaps her uncle would like to serve as his trusty steed? He seemed have been completely brainwashed after her last escape.
Her yellow eyes easily spotted the light fur of her uncle. Though instead of a nicely groomed fur like hers, his was all mangled, with fresh wounds reddening his fur. The result of a fight he had with a warg earlier that day. And a chunk of his left ear was missing after he had tried to punish Frêllian for trying to sneak off. Too bad for the ferian his niece had inherited her fathers' strength.
He had changed over the passed few years. Becoming more aggressive and demanding. His temper growing more unstable with the day. Where he wouldn't pick a fight with a warg when Frêllian had been just a pup, he now got into a fight at least once a day. How did that happen?
'The master will demand you to allow a rider on your back soon, Frêllian.'
'He is a fool to think I will lead a part of his army.'
'No, Frêllian. You are the fool to deny the masters' wishes like that.'
Matriarch sat down in front of the rock, her back turned to Frêllian. For weeks now, the warg had urged the ferian to allow a rider on her back. But she refused. She wasn't some kind of pet. She is a ferian and she was proud to be one!
With one eye closed, Frêllian watched as Matriarch laid down, resting her head on her crossed front legs. The warg didn't worry about Frêllian trying to escape. Her last attempt had been three years ago, when she had been seventy-six. But after having been chained up to a rock for days, with nothing to eat or drink, had made her change her mind about escaping. She would wait until she was fast and strong enough.
Her yellow eyes scanned the creatures around her. Orcs she could outrun with ease and they wouldn't stand a chance against her in battle. Her own people simply didn't care about her whereabouts. If she were to leave the pack, they would simply replace her with the beta – her uncle. To be honest her status amongst her people had saved her neck many times, but she could be replaced easily when necessary.
And then came the wargs. Smart creatures and a dangerous combination when paired up with orcs. But they only had their feral instincts, which could be a great advantage for the young ferian. Still, there was one warg Frêllian had to surpass and that warg was twice her height. The biggest and meanest of all wargs, her rider the most feared orc of all time.
Looking at Matriarch, Frêllian let out a sigh. The white warg had kept her eye out on the ferian, not once losing her out of her watchful eyes. Her master had a plan for the younger female and she would not let anything stand between him and his plan. That much Frêllian had noticed.
But whatever his plan was, she would not have any part of it!
'Where is the pup!'
Frêllian growled as Azog addressed her. Seeing as she was the youngest member of her pack, the pale orc kept on addressing her as 'pup', even if she was now of age and the alpha of ferien.
'You have denied yet another rider, pup,' the orc stated as he advanced, a menacing look in his eyes. 'I have given you time enough to grow strong, longer than I would give any other due to your tainted blood. But your time has come, ferian!'
'I have told you already, orc. I will never allow a rider on my back!'
She snarled at the orc as he stopped right in front of her, standing higher than her even when she was standing on the rock. His hand moved towards her, preparing to grab her by the neck, but she snapped at him and jumped away.
Letting out a roar of frustration, the orc advanced towards her again. But Frêllian simply jumped out off his way again. Growling as he came too close. But then Matriarch jumped in front of the ferian, blocking her escape from the orc.
'You cannot run away from your duty anymore, Frêllian.'
As the two canine growled at each other, Frêllian missed the quick movement of Azog. As he grabbed her by her neck, she let out a yelp of surprise. Turning her head to the pale orc, the ferian growled at him. Her fangs showing as she tried to free herself.
'Bolg!' The orc moved forward, a scowl on his face as he looked at the female in his fathers' grasp. 'It is time this pup learned her place once and for all.'
'That filth is not even worthy of my time,' the said orc sneered as he watched the ferian. 'A pathetic, scrawny-looking excuse of a wolf. And not to mention the traitorous blood that runs through her veins.'
'Weak? I'll show you weak, you bastard!'
Bolg just laughed as Frêllian trashed about. She would not allow him to talk like that! She was the alpha, the alpha! How could they treat her like this? One day she would get them for this! Just wait and see. One day not even Matriarch could tell which piece would belong to her master and which piece to that scumbag of a spawn of his!
'Quit your squirming, pup. I will no longer tolerate your behavior. No matter who you are, you are here to serve him!'
'I would rather serve the king of my forefathers!'
She snarled at the orc as he held her close to his face. Only inches away from his face, but far enough so she couldn't bite him. With a glare he placed his bladed arm at her throat, but the ferian just kept on snarling at him. If he killed her, he would only do her a favour!
'They have no king! They will never have a king again!'
'Then why do you want to go to war against a folk with no king? And why need me?'
Before she could register what was happening, she found herself on the ground again. With the wind knocked out off her lungs, Frêllian gasped for air. Then she shook her head to stop the earth from spinning. But she didn't get up as she looked at the pale orc. Nor did she spare Bolg a glance as she heard him stalk off again. Probably not wanting to waste his time with her anymore.
'I would gladly let you join your so loved forefathers,' Azog growled dangerously. 'But you are still needed. Your blood holds the key to our victory. So until I no longer have need of you, I'll have to take pleasure in your punishments.'
With that said, he raised his sword, ready to strike. But instead of hitting the wolf-like creature, the sound of metal meeting metal was heard and his pale eyes stared into dark blue eyes in surprise.

Yellow eyes watched as the buck grazed. As the wind gently blew through the leaves, she crouched down soundlessly. The buck still unaware of the threat lurking behind the bush. Even if there was hardly any leaves on it now. Lucky for her. She hasn't had a decent kill for weeks. Just small game perhaps once a week and that just wasn't not enough for her. Besides it was not like she succeeded every time she hunted. Especially not without a pack. Hunting solo for the first time turned out to be really difficult and only after a long week did she finally managed to catch an injured rabbit. A nice piece of that juice-looking buck would be a nice change.
The thought alone made her mouth water as she carefully watched her prey. Great, now she was longing for the buck even more. Why did she run away from the orcs again? Oh, right. Because of that incident almost six months ago, when she regained her old self.
Frêllian crouched down even lower, preparing herself for the leap. The white snow a good cover for her, making her light fur blend in perfectly with her surroundings. A good thing too, for being without a pack in the winter would be almost impossible.
Suddenly her prey looked up, his ears twitching as he looked around. Something had spooked him! And she knew what had. Something was coming! Frêllian had noticed it as well and wasn't too thrilled about it. If she wanted to go for the kill, she had to go for it now! Or else the buck would flee and she would miss her chance. Again!
With a short low in tone bark she ran over to the startled buck. But the already alerted animal reacted too fast for the ferian and quickly dashed off, alerting other animals while doing so. There went her change of getting an decent meal. She didn't even try to pursuit, her body to weak from the lack of food. She would only waste her energy. She would just have to try and find something else to eat then.
Which brought her at the subject that had scared off her prey.
Lifting her snout in the air, she sniffed. The scent of the buck still lingering around. But it wasn't the buck she sought. And it wasn't the only scent in the air. Something new filled her nostrils something she had never smelled before. Maybe was was edible?
Following her nose, Frêllian followed the scent. Her tail waggling slightly at the thought of having a decent mail after all. Hopefully something easy. Well, whatever it was, she was getting close! She could hear it moving.
Turning her head towards some hills, she could hear something moving around. Just a few steps away from her prey. Just one pounce and she could set her teeth in its juicy flesh. Crouching down, she slowly moved closer, relying on her ambush tactics more than her pursuit skills at the moment.
With one jump, she had her prey underneath her body. With her sharp teeth bare, she prepared to aim for the throat. But then she stopped mid-air as she looked at the creature underneath her. A small human child. Or at least, it looked like one. But it looked like an adult as well, except for its height.
It had yelled in fear as she had jumped it, its hands held up in front of its face in fear. Screaming and trashing in fear as it tried to keep her head away from itself. And did she hear it beg for her not to eat it?
She could just ignore its pleas, biting down. It could be so easy, the creature looked weak enough. Just one small movement and she could have her long deserved meal. But then again, appeared human-like. And Frêllian had made an oath long ago to never eat humans.
The creature looked up in surprise, his – she had decided it to be male – eyes big in fear as the ferian stepped away from him. Still, she stayed right in front of him, sitting on the ground as she waited for him to stand up.
But he didn't. The creature probably being too afraid one movement could result in him being ripped apart. So to show him she meant well, she yipped, wagging her tail to show her good intent. She even started to pant as her yellow eyes scanned the strange creature.
A round face with a mop of thick sandy-colored hair, big and round brown eyes. His ears reminded her of an elf, though not nearly as pointed as one which is odd as well. But the most distinguishing feats were his feet. Big and wooly.
What a strange creature he was indeed.
Suddenly she noticed something was laying on his right, a basket! Without giving the creature a second look, she stood up to sniff at the basket. There was food in it! No doubt about it. Some vegetables had fallen out off it, but there was more food inside. Now, if she could just open it, she could probably get a nice meal out of it.
'Hey-hey-hey, that's mine!'
Turning her head towards the creature, he quickly shut up, fearing for his life. Well, perhaps he still hadn't noticed she wasn't going to eat him, not anymore. So with one longing look at the basket – and the meat she could smell in it – Frêllian picked it up, handing it over to the owner. Then she turned her head towards the vegetables on the ground. Most she didn't recognize, but wait, that's an apple! Recognizing the fruit, she sniffed it for a moment. Then she took a bite.

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