Chapter 32

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With the scroll secured in her bag, Frêllian turned to Canwrîf. Íler had already risen and they were ready for departure. Yet now that she was about to leave the elven city, she did so with a heavy heart. Leaving would mean she could probably die. Not that she was afraid of dying, she had often wished for death years ago. Before she ran away from the orcs and stumbled across Bilbo.
No, she wasn't afraid of dying, but now that her life had turned for the better, she wasn't keen on it either. But what she did fear, was what would happen to her people should she die. Would they settle down with her decision of naming Canwrîf her heir? Would they accept him as their Alpha Supreme? Or would their be a civil war, where all packs would try and claim the title?
'We will wait anxiously await your return, my Lady Supreme,' Gírla said, snapping the young ferian out of her thoughts. 'Be careful though. There are no packs that far up north and we do not know how the ancient wolves will react to visitors.'
'I know, Gírla.'
Frêllian smiled weakly at the older ferian. Though over twice her age - the ferian had passed her two hundredth nameday last winter - she still looked youthful enough. Though her blonde hair was adorned with silver strings and the corner of her eyes showed creases to betray she wasn't the youngest of the pack either. Yet her dark blue eyes were always filled with love. The woman held a motherly air and never did bother with formalities after Frêllian returned to Rivendell.
'Canwrîf better take care of you. I will not allow another Alpha Supreme to die while I'm still around.' The ferian then turned to her son, snapping at him in a motherly way. 'And no funny business, you hear me boy?'
'Aye, mèrre,' he replied as he rolled his eyes.
She gave him one last glare, before turning her attention back to Frêllian. Her eyes softened immediately upon setting on the platinum haired queen.
'I can't believe I'm letting you leave with only one chaperone, Frey, my dear. And one who fancies you too!'
'But I know your heart is with another. And if Canwrîf is the one to stand by your side during your quest, then you won't find a more loyal companion.'
Frêllian smiled at this. Yes, she knew that already. She had been able to count on the male from the start. She had no doubt he would betray her now. Even if he did not agree with this journey.
'Well then, off you go. And I'll send out a raven to inform your father.'
'Thank you, Gírla.'
She pulled the elder ferian into a warm embrace. Bidding her farewell, before sending an unsure wave at the other members of the pack. Then she glanced at Canwrîf as he said his farewell to his mother.
Her dark blue eyes met his forest green ones and a silent message was said between them. Both were anxious, but determined as well. She wanted to find the direwolves, the ancient wolves of the north. He wanted to keep his Alpha Supreme safe.
She gave him a nod and then started walking away from Imladris. From her pack, her people. Away from the place she had been calling her home for five years now. The last time she had left the city for a dangerous journey, she had been on a quest with Thorin Oakenshield. This time it would be a quest of her own.
The shortest way was to go up and keep the misty mountains to their right. They would eventually pass the Ettenmoors, before reaching Carn Dûm. And from there on Frêllian would travel alone into the ever snowy mountains behind the capital of the once evil witch-king Angmar. Why the ancient ones had remained living near such an evil place was beyond her. But if that was the place she had to go, then that was where she had to go.
As they walked out of the valley, Frêllian wondered if they would take the long way around. Perhaps pass through the Shire and pay her dear hobbit friend a visit. It had been a year since she had last seen him and it had been the last time she had left the valley of Imladris as well. But she knew she could not visit him, not now. Right now, she had urgent business up in the North. But that did not mean her heart longed to see her dearest friend. And knowing the peril, it might also have to do with her wanting to stall time.
But she would not. She would face whatever she was going to face and she was going to do so as quickly as possible, without any detour. To reach the northern mountains as fast as possible, that was her main objective. To speak to the ancient ones and find her answers. To find out whether or not there was a way for her to pursue her heart's desire.
'We should be able to reach the mountain range a lot faster if we shifted,' Canwrîf stated as he walked next to her. 'Four legs run faster than two.'
'Not yet,' she told him, enjoying the serene scenery. 'I have grown fond of the beauty of Imladris. Let us enjoy the green of the lands while we still can. Once we have exit the valley we will shift.'
'You are scared, aren't you?'
She ignored him. She was after all the Alpha of Alphas. She should not feel fear. She should be a fearless leader to her people. Just as Thorin had been. Yet she was indeed frightened.
She wasn't afraid of what would happen when she did meet the ancient wolves. Even if she could not predict the outcome. She did however fear what would happen if they would talk to her. She was afraid that they would deny her the answers she sought. Or worse, they did not give her the answer she wanted.
What if they would tell her there was no way of her and Fíli being together? That she was forced to live her life without the dwarrow that still haunted her dreams at night? That was what really frightened the ferian, but she would not admit it to her companion. Not even if he could see right through her act.
Her fears would remain a secret to the world.

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