Chapter 31

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Five years had come and gone just as quickly. In those five years Frêllian had gotten to know the different packs. She had learned the way of her people and she had tried to lead them. But still, not a day would pass where her mind - and heart- was at Erebor. With Fíli.
Even after five years she still loved that dwarf. She had heard he was still working hard on rebuilding the dwarven city, yet she had not been able to see for herself. Her duties were with her own people and there had been much damage done in the passed decades. She simply could not lay down her title and return to the dwarrow she loved. Her Drêgasen.
Her father had helped Fíli in every way he could, yet from what Dwalin had told her, the dwarf had turned cold. He was a good king to his people, ruling with a just hand and helped with everything he could. But his heart had turned cold. He had shut everyone out, his temper was short nowadays. At least to everyone dear to him. Which was why her father had been unable to permanently leave the dwarven city. For he knew his king still needed him.
Frêllian understood though. The dwarf had lost his uncle and his brother at the same time. And when he needed her the most, she had let him down. She had declined his love, no matter how much it had broken her own. But Frêllian had her father and uncle. She had Gírla whom had become like a mother to her over the years and she had her second in command, her beta Canwrîf. She hadn't lost her family that day. She'd lost two comrades, friends she would never forget. But her family was still alive. They had only left three weeks prior.
The thought of her family brought her attention back towards the scroll in her hand. One of the scrolls her uncle had found in the library while they were restored. She had yet to read it though. She was too scared to do so. Balin had told her they held information about her people. Legends and myths. And this one in particular might hold the answer she was looking for.
Her blue gaze trailed over the scroll. Her hands shaking as she debated whether she should read it or not. Then she looked up at the sky. Lüna stood faintly in the sky sharing her space with her brother Ìler, waiting patiently for him to rest for a new day. The first stars started to appear which seemed so within reach as she stood at the balcony. She could hear the elves and ferien sing in the courtyard, yet she could not look down to look at their merrymaking.
Her hands shook as she finally decided to read the scroll. Her uncle had been excited about this one, though he hadn't said why. Eventhough he had briefly told about the contents of the others. One told the story of Selèna and Dêrus. One about their children and the origins of the the ferien. And the third one told about the legendary Aelash. But Balin had only looked at her knowingly when she questioned about this one. Telling her it would be better if she found out herself.
Her eyes trailed over the words, slowly taking in the words. The words written in the common tongue. Her heart started to quicken its pace with every sentence she read. Subconsciously she bit her lip, taking in every word. And then, she suddenly gasped.
Without a second thought, Frêllian suddenly turned around and walked out of her room. She needed to find lord Elrond! She needed to know whether was this scroll said was true. The elf was after all one of the wisest persons she knew. And one of the oldest as well. So she figured he must at least know something.
With the scroll in her hand, she ran through the halls. Not caring about looking gracefully or not. And for once she was glad her pack resided in Rivendell until they could settle near Erebor. Now it was a blessing. Her lilac dress swished as she ran as she followed the elf's scent. Passing elves looked at her bewildered, not used to seeing the queen of ferien in such a rush. Ferien were just as bewildered. Their laughter stopped as she passed them by.
She ran down the stairs and to the other side of the palace. Elrond's scent becoming stronger as she moved up one of the towers and then suddenly she stopped. Frêllian didn't even bother knocking, nor did she give herself time to catch her breath. Instead she pushed the large door open with force.
'Lord Elrond!' Her loud voice made the said elf look up in surprise, along with others. 'I am sorry to disturb you.'
'Lady Frêllian,' the elf nodded at her in acknowledgment. 'To what do I owe this pleasure.'
He smiled kindly at her as he placed down his book. Now that she had found the elven lord, Frêllian had no need for running anymore, so instead she walked over to the lord. It did not come as a surprise that the elven lord was in the library. Just like Frêllian, lord Elrond had a fondness for reading. But Frêllian did not come to share their love for reading. Instead she had urgent matters to discuss with him.
So once she stood in front of the tall elf, Frêllian held out the scroll and asked him what he knew. Elrond took the scroll from her. His brows furrowed as he looked at her. In the passed five years she had never asked anything of him. Only for her people to use his home as a base for a little while longer.
Yet now she stood before him. Her eyes hopeful, yet there was a trace of fear as well. It made the elven lord curious of what the scroll contained. What more secrets were there to uncover about ferien that the young queen did not know off yet? And why did she need answers so desperately?
His eyes scanned over the scroll while Frêllian eyes him anxiously. What if he didn't know the answer? What if he did, but it was all a lie? A myth written long ago to remain hopeful?

'Are you sure it is wise to do this?'
Frêllian looked over to her side to look at the brown haired ferian. Canwrîf looked at her sceptical as they walked through the garden.
'Perhaps not,' she admitted. 'But this is something I must do. If the scroll is true, then only they can hold the answer. And I will not let this chance pass by.'
'But my lady..'
'No, Canwrîf! I have made up my mind.'
She looked at him sternly. She had talked to lord Elrond long after Ìler had set and Lüna had shone her light over the lands in her full glory. Even if the elf did not hold all the answers she needed, he had helped her tremendously. She would not let her beta hold her down, no matter his good intentions.
Yes, what she had planned was dangerous. And without an heir, the line of the firstborn would be broken. Which meant it could result in a civil war between ferien. But she would never forgive herself is she didn't at least give it a try.'
'And what of our people,' he questioned after a long silence.
'They have managed without me before,' she answered quietly, trying to hide the guilt she felt for leaving. But he saw right through.
'Yes, we've managed before. But that was because you were out of our reach. But you are here now and we all look to you for guidance.'
'And I am looking for guidance of my own.' She turned her body to look at the ferian fully. 'Please, Canwrîf. I-I need to do this. I need to know what they have to say.'
'And what if they decide to kill you? Have you thought about that, Frêllian? There hasn't been any contact with them for centuries and the last person who tried never returned.'
He gently placed his hand on her shoulders. His green eyes holding emotions she had once seen in the eyes of another. She knew her beta felt more for her than just the admiration he once had. She knew his admiration has slowly turned into love. But she could not reciprocate his love, for her heart still belonged to Fíli.
And it was because of her love for Fíli she needed to do this. It was her only chance. They held the answers she needed and depending on their answers. If they denied her, then she would have to give up her love for the dwarven king. Then she should open her heart for another. Or at least give it a try out of duty.
'Canwrîf.' Her voice was but a soft whisper, but he heard her. 'I have to give this a try. Five years have passed and still my heart yearns for him. I need to know if all is in vain.'
'But what if you die,' he wondered once again. 'You have no heir. Your line will break.'
'Should I not return, then you will be the next Alpha Supreme. I know the line of the firstborn will be broken. But that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.'
He looked at her in shock, but she quickly silenced him by continuing.
'I know you are a great leader. Your mother taught you well. And you have taught me. I know our people are in good hands with you.'
With that she kissed his cheek. She had meant what she said. Should she not return, then she knew Canwrîf would take care of the ferien. He would be a great alpha, that is why she had chosen him as her beta. But it could still mean the other packs could rally against him. But that was only another reason for her not to perish!
She waited for a moment for the ferian to speak. He looked like he wanted to say something, but decided against it. Would he still disagree? Not that it mattered. Even without his consent, Frêllian would still go. She'd much rather face the great serpents of the ice north, than spent the rest of her life, never knowing what could have been. So when Canwrîf decided to remain silence, she told him to gather the others. She would inform them of her decision and then she would leave tomorrow at the awakening of Ìler.
'As you wish, my lady,' he whispered defeated, bowing his head low in respect. 'But know I do not agree with your decision.'
'I know.'
'And I will come with you.' He held up his hand, to stop his queen from interrupting. Yes he was disrespectful, but he needed to say this. 'I promise I will not follow you up in the mountains. But instead I will wait for your return at the base.'
Frêllian looked at him in surprise. His eyes burning with determination as he looked at her. A trait she respected, yet she couldn't let him come along with her. They both knew it would be a dangerous journey. So why risk his life as well? She frowned. But how could she persuade him to stay here?
Better yet? How could she persuade herself? She would be lying to herself if she said she wanted to do this on her own. She would have loved to have some company along the way and the ferian was wonderful company...
'With all due respect, my queen, but I won't accept a no for answer.'
She still frowned at the brunette. But then she finally gave in and smiled.
'Well then, mín frínt,' she said as she smiled at Canwrîf, 'let's seek out the great direwolves of the north!'

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