Chapter 27

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'It is here in these halls,' boomed the commanding voice from across the room. 'I know it.'
She only half listened as her father argued with Thorin. Stating they had searched for days. Telling his king they all wanted to see the stone returned. But Thorin disagreed. For if they had time to frolicking, they had time to search. But once again Dwalin knew what to say. For even the hardest workers needed some time off every now and then. And the small company had been working. For weeks, for months. Going on a dangerous quest for their king.
But no matter what his best friend said, Thorin remained angered. Even when Balin joined the conversation, did the newly crowned king deny their advice.
'It is the King's jewel,' he growled lowly, before shouting out in anger. 'Am I not the king!'
Frêllian glanced towards Bilbo as the hobbit next to her flinched at the sudden outburst. Ever since Smaug had been defeated, Thorin had become more quick to anger. Which of course had put everyone on their toes.
'Know this,' the mad king continued his rage menacingly. 'If anyone should find it and withhold it from me, I will be avenged.'
With that said, Thorin walked away from his two most trusted friends. And as he neared Frêllian, he send her a glare. Which the proud ferian gladly returned. She would not cower before the king. If he was not strong enough to withstand the madness within, then he was not worth being called a king.
'You are supposed to have a keen sense of smell,' he grumbled lowly. 'Why are you not able to find it? Are you trying to withhold my birthright?'
'I would do no such thing,' she stated crossly as she straightened her back. 'But how am I able search for something I don't know the scent of?'
'Frêllian is to be trusted, uncle,' Fíli interrupted, glaring at the dwarf before him. 'I thought she has showed her worth time and time again.'
As the dwarf looked over to his nephew in silence, his gaze softened a little. Just a little. Then he looked over to Frellian again. This time a sliffer of his former self evident as he nodded silently at her before walking off.
'I fear he is slowly losing himself,' Frellian told the dwarf prince softly. Her eyes not leaving the retreating dwarf king. 'He gets worse with every passing day. I fear I might have to leave soon, for he will no longer tolerate me here.'
'No, you won't,' Fili quickly said. 'I won't allow it! You belong with us, you belong here and my uncle knows it.'
'Does he now?'
He gently grabbed her arm to make her turn to face him. Then he places both hands on her shoulders. His eyes an unreadable expression as he looked at her.
'True, my uncle is not himself,' he continued. 'I am not a fool. I know the sickness has a hold on him. But I have hope he will win this struggle with himself. I have to!'
'And as long as there is hope, I will pray that he will.'
He gave her a weak smile, his eyes never leaving hers as he softly brushed his finger over her cheek. Only now did she notice a string of hair had fallen in front of her eyes.
The skin still felt warm where his fingers had softly brushed against her skin. And as she felt her cheeks heat up, she knew she was blushing. And with the way her heart was rapidly beating in her chest, she was surprised Fíli had yet to notice.
'Frêllian,' she heard him whisper her name. 'I have been meaning to tell you something for a while now. But I seem to lack the courage to do so.'
'But you are a strong warrior,' she stated, her voice just above a whisper. 'What is so terrifying that even a brave warrior such as yourself must find the courage to speak?'
Then his eyes flicked over to something behind her. Whatever he saw, it made him release her as he quickly stepped backwards. His blue eyes now slightly widened with what she recognised as slight fear. No perhaps not fear, but he clearly was uncomfortable. So she gave him a curious look, before turning around.
He still stood at the same spot Thorin had left him. His arms are crossed as he glared at the two of them. His eyes only softening after he had heard her surprised exclaim.
Fill quickly excused himself, making her look at him again. Surprised why he was suddenly so eager to leave, while he was meant to tell her something not a moment prior.
But he simply nodded his head, before quickly taking his leave.
'What was that all about?'
'I was wondering the same thing, lass,' Dwalin muttered as he walked over to her.
'You scared him,' she told him, her surprise now replaced by amusement as a chuckle left her.
'Well of course I did. He was embarrassing my little girl.'
Letting out a laugh, she told her father Fíli was trying to tell her something. Though seemed frightened to do so. But Dwalin simply brushed it off as he gruffly stated her he saw her embarrassed face and he wanted to help her. But that Fíli had noticed him before he could do anything.
'Anyway, I scared him off, didn't I?'
Though it was meant as a joke, neither of them could smile at this remark. Dwalin still looked worried. Even if he tried to look angry, she could see right through it. Frêllian however just looked down. Her heart still pounding rapidly in her chest as she tried to think of all the possible thing the prince had wanted to say to her. What troubled the dwarf-prince? What had he tried to tell her?
Yet all her thoughts returned to the same conclusion…

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