Chapter 25

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Everything was quiet and dark in halls of Erebor. The only sounds Frêllian could hear, were their own footsteps. Though surprisingly, even the dwarves tried their best to move as quietly as possible. There was no arguing, nor loud footsteps. Just soft, calculated shuffling of feet as the company moved trough the fallen dwarven kingdom.
But the sound that she was listening for, was not present. There were no thunderous footsteps from the dragon. No snarling or growling, nor hissing. The great fire drake was silent in his movements! Even with her enhanced senses, could she not hear Smaug and it troubled her.
Frêllian stopped at the end of yet another tunnel. Her golden eyes scanning the area as the dwarves stopped behind her. Only Thorin and Dwalin stood next to her. Both waiting anxiously for her signal.
But she didn't give it just yet. Did she hear something just now? She concentrated even harder for any sound. Yes, there it was again! But it was still far away. If they would hasten, they should be able to make it to the other side before Smaug made his appearance.
Her golden eyes traveled over to the stone bridge. Then to the chasm below. Should anyone fall, they would surely fall to their death. So they would have to be quick, but careful. But most of all, quietly!
Slowly she nodded. Yes, they should be able to cross the bridge. She mouthed the words 'quick but quiet' to Bilbo as she walked towards the stone brigde.
Thorin was the first to set foot on it, followed by Dwalin and Frêllian. Ever since she had dashed off into the mountain, the bald warrior had refused to let her out of his sight again. Not that it mattered at the moment. No, they all had to stick together. Only a handful knew the halls of Erebor. If one should be separated, they would surely get lost. And most likely fall into the claws of that damned beast!
Frêllian easily kept up with the two dwarves in front of her. Moving quietly while keeping a look out for Smaug. She could smell him getting closer. His foul scent reminding her of rotten eggs.
By now they were about halfway the bridge and Frêllian was getting restless. They were taking too long! She could practically feel the hot breath of the dragon where she stood! And out here in the open they were sitting ducks! An easy prey for a predator such as Smaug. And Frêllian did not like feeling like prey! She was a predator, damn it! Not prey!
A sudden sound made her freeze in fear. Something had just fallen on the ground. The impact of the coin hitting the ground making a high clinking sound, making the hairs in her neck stand straight up. There was no way such a noise would go unnoticed by the dragon! Especially not when he was this close
Frightened, she turned around. Making sure not to make a sound as she did so. She needed to know where the sound had come from! Behind her, she saw Bilbi frantically check his jacket for any coins which could have fallen from his jacket, when she heard another coin fall down. And another and even more. And slowly a shadow appeared above Bilbo, Gloin and Bofur, forcing them to look up.
Following their gaze, everyone started to look up. Eyes filled with fear as Smaug crawled just above them. His head moving from side to side in search of the company that was standing below him right now. But to her relieve, he had not noticed them. And as she stared at the enormous beast, she noticed coins fell from his chest and arms. They must have been embedded there from years of sleeping on gold and gems. Getting stuck between his scales as he laid dormant, only to shift after he had awoken from his slumber.
After a moment longer of staring at the dragon, Frêllian turned her head again. Facing her destination as Thorin quietly motioned everyone to continue.
Now that Smaug was this close, the crossing to the other side was agonisingly long. They could not make any sound, yet have to be even quicker than before. Still, somehow they all made it.
As soon as they entered yet another tunnel, Frêllian sighed in relief. That had really been a close call. Her eyes instinctively looked for Bilbo. It had become a habbit of her. Always looking out for her friend.
But he was here, he was safe. Their eyes met and she smiled at him. A gesture he returned. Though his one was weak. Then Dwalin placed a hand on her shoulder, whispering they would have to continue their way.
'The western guardroom is not far from here,' she heard Thorin whisper as Dwalin guided her towards the said dwarf. 'Let's go.'
With Smaug in a different room, they started running again - though still as quietly as they could, mind you! Thorin leading them through the maze-like kingdom he grew up in. And even if they were running for their lives, and with Frêllian still angry with him for calling her a runt, she still held admiration for the dwarf for knowing the way. Even after all these years had passed.
For a moment, she felt a pang of jealousy. Jealous of the dwarf to have grown up in a loving home, a beautiful kingdom to roam through and explore. But she quickly pushed it away. Reminding herself he too, had been forced to leave his home. Thorin too, has had his fair share of hardship. And he had come out so much stronger!
As they entered another hall, she heard Thorin telling them to stay close. She did so, obediently walking next to Dwalin as they stepped into a room. Her hand tightly gripping his arm as she took in the sight. Her other hand placed over her mouth as she let out a gasp.
The room reeked of death and decay, with a heavy atmosphere hanging around that made the ferian feel nauseous. All around them were rotten, dust and cobweb covered corpses. Dwarf corpses, mummified over time. Frellian had seen a lot of dead over the years. And seen bodies decay and burn. She could tell by just looking at a body how much they've had suffered. And that saddened her even more. To know these dwarves had suffered as they died. Their last days spend in terror and dispair. Perhaps some even pain judging from.the burned flesh. Hunger and thirst slowly driving them mad as they waited in vain for a way to escape.
Feeling her dispair, Dwalin pulled her closer to him. Both his arms wrapping around her body as she started to tremble. Tears started to well up in her eyes as Dwalin embraced her. She felt so weak right now, to cry over all of these dwarves. But she could not help but feel sorry for them. To know they had to suffer such a horrible death.
'That's it then.' She could feel his voice vibrating through her body as Dwalin spoke. 'There is now way out.'
Though the dwarf was trying to comfort her with his warm embrace, he would not sugercoat their situation. Not there was need for it anyway, for Frêllian had seen the blocked exit before Dwalin had started blocking her view with his body. A failed attempt to protect his daughter from the undeniable truth.
They were in fact trapped.
'The last of our kin,' Balin whisperd in sadness. 'They must have come here, hoping beyond hope.' He turned to Thorin before continueing. 'We could try to reach the mines. We might last a few days.'
Last a few days, where his words. Not 'we might find a way out' to give them hope. No, just 'we might last a few days'. So that meant there really was no other way out. They would either die here, or be killed by Smaug. For luck would not remain on their side should they try and sneak passed that serpent once more.
Frêllian closed her eyes, sucking in a deep breath. She needed to gather herself! She would not die a coward. A ferian never died a coward! Besides, she had not endured all those years with the orcs, only to die here in these ruins!
'No, I will refuse to die like this,' she suddenly said, releasing herself from her father's embrace. 'I am no coward!'
'No one says you are, Frey,' Dwalin whispered softly. 'But let's face…'
'Frêllian is right,' Thorin interrupted him. We will not die cowering, clawing for breath. We make for the forges.'

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