Chapter 21

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'Was it a lot?'
Her blue eyes were trained at the treacherous dark water as the dwarf approached her. When he didn't answer, she turned to face him.
'Our price for crossing this lake,' she clarified. 'Was it a lot we had to pay him?'
'There are better ways I could think of to spend that amount of money,' Fíli replied bitterly as he stood next to her.
She nodded in understanding. She might not know much about the worth of money, there was no need for it back at the orc pack. But Bilbo had tried to explain the basics to her once and what each coin was worth.
But she's never had the chance to put it to practice, not that she had any money to spend even if she had wanted to. Even her share of the price had been paid by Dwalin - much to the said dwarf's chagrin.
'What would you have used your money for then?'
With a smile, Fíli told her he would have bought new weapons. He had to leave most of his old ones behind in the Woodland Realm, so he felt a little naked without them.
'What about you?'
The question took her by surprise. Surely he must know she had no money to spend. So there was no reason for her to think of buying things. Everything she needed was provided by nature itself. Food, water, shelter. Even the furs of her prey could be used for making clothes.
'I know you have no money,' the fair-haired dwarf continued, noticing her puzzled look. 'But you'll have your share of the treasure beneath the mountain. Even without a contract, Thorin will definitely give you a share. There must be something you want?'
'Well, perhaps some new weapons as well? A nice sword or perhaps a dagger?'
At this, the dwarf chuckled, earning another puzzled look from the ferian.
'Really?' Fíli questioned, his voice still containing his laughter. 'Weapons? No fine jewellery, nice dresses or other fancy stuff women like? But a sword, or a dagger. Perhaps you want a bow and arrow as well? Kíli is a master marksman. He could teach you.'
But she dismissed the proposal as quickly as he had mention it. Telling him she did not like long distance weapons. No ferian should ever defend themselves with such a weapon. They were a cowards weapon.
According to her, there was no honour in a long distance weapon. You didn't face your opponent face to face. Instead you remained a safe distance like a coward and hope your arrow would hit its mark.
A real warrior would face his enemy face to face. To have a honourable fight till death, a battle you could look back on with pride.
Fíli nodded, but before he could say something, someone squeezes themselves between the pair as the bald warrior now stood in between them. Facing Fíli for a moment, before staring towards the man they now knew as Bard.
'It doesn't matter if he had promised us a safe crossing or not, I still don't trust him,' he stated gruffly. 'Who will say he will keep his word?'
'You don't have to trust him,' Frêllian said, still surprised by his sudden intrusion. 'As long as we reach the other side of the lake with weapons.'
'Frey's right. We need weapons to fight Smaug, which means we need his help.'
Dwalin turned his head to Fíli. And eventhough Frêllian couldn't see his face, she was sure he was glaring at the younger dwarf, for Fíli suddenly looked uneasy.
Dwalin muttered something unintelligible under his breath, before turning his back completely towards Fíli. His eyes now on Frêllian with an unreadable look in them.
'Well, one thing is for sure,' he began, crossing his arms. 'He'll be a death man, if he dares laying a finger on you.'
She couldn't help but notice Fíli, as he seemed to be unnerved by Dwalin's words.
But she didn't notice the quick glance Dwalin threw over his shoulder.
What she did notice however, were the rooftops of what she presumed to be Laketown in the distance. She wondered what the town would be like, for she had never been to any human settlement. But by the looks of it, this town would give her a poor first impression.
'Quickly now,' she heard Bard say. 'All but the ferian needs to hide within the barrels.'
'Why,' Thorin asked.
'The master of town might want to see the girl,' Bard explained irritatedly. 'But with this many dwarves, he might think you mean trouble. Which, personally, I think you are.'
'Oh come on,' Frêllian sighed as no one seemed to bother to listen to the man. Well, with the exception of Bilbo of course. 'Just listen to the man. If he tries anything, anything at all, I'll rip his throat open.'
Though they did obey, they didn't do it wholeheartedly. And not a moment too soon, for the dock was starting to get in sight. Bard made some small talk to the man at the dock and soon the barrels were filled with fish, much to the humour of Frêllian. She made sure to tease them about it for quite some time.
'What's the deal with the girl?'
At this Frêllian growled in anger, but Bard was quick to explain. Telling him he met a lone ferian who wished to speak the master of town. The man looked at Frêllian in curiosity, amazed to seen a real ferian. But then he nodded and Bard continued the way.
The next stop was the toll gate, as she heard Bard call it after kicking the barrel Dwalin was in. The stubborn dwarf had been muttering quite loudly at his uncomfortable journey. Once there, Bard had to hand the gatekeeper his papers. Then the gatekeeper noticed Frêllian as she stood on board of the barge still. But before he could even ask about her, another man stepped out.
'Not so fast,' he spoke with a scowl as he took the papers from the gatekeeper. Reading them out loud while doing so.
'Consignment of empty barrels from the Woodland Realm. Only, they're not empty, are they Bard?'
Deciding she didn't like this man at all, even within these few second, Frêllian moved over to the men. A glare on her face as she looked at the newest arrival. Her arms crossed as she stepped up next to Bard.
'Of course they aren't,' she told him crossly, while glaring at the worm of a man. 'They are a gift. My gift to be precise.'
'And who might you be then,' the man sneers. 'A lost girl? A dwarf?'
'A ferian, Alfrid,' Bard corrected him as Frêllian growled dangerously at the disrespectful tone the man called Alfrid spoke with. 'Queen of her people, or so she says.'
'Ha,' Alfrid laughs. 'A ferian you say! And a queen at that too! To think you believe such nonsense. How foolish!'
Having had enough of the man, Frêllian quickly transformed, her growl now turning into a snarl, showing her sharp teeth as she moved her head closer to Alfrid.
'Yes, a ferian,' she snapped. Her voice making the men uneasy as a feral sound mixed with her voice. 'And you would do well to let us continue our way. All I wish for, is to speak your master. I do not wish for a fight, too much bloodshed and a waste of my time.'
After that being said, Bard was dismissed and the ferian followed him back on board. Fear still radiating from his body as he poled the barge through the canals of Laketown.

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