Chapter 4

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With the winter having made way for the warmer spring, the hobbits had gotten used to having Frêllian around. Having earned favor with most of them with her lovable and charming character. Still her own personal favorite hobbit remained Bilbo, not only for giving her a home to live in, but also because he was good company. Not to mention his cooking-skills, none within her former pack could even dream of competing against that hobbit!
And since the hobbits had gotten used to the wolfish 'pet' of Bilbo Baggings, Frêllian had been able to work on her solo hunting skills. And with her newfound strength, due to a full belly every day, the young ferian had gotten better and better with each passing week.
Still, while the winter had been quite peaceful, it hadn't gone as smooth as one would have thought. Especially one event had caused quite some confusion for the easily startled hobbit.
Opening one eye, Frêllian looked at Bilbo, a mischievous glint in it as she lazily laid before the warm fire.
'What are you up to, hm?'
It appeared her companion had noticed the glint in her eyes. Though judging by the look on his face, he already knew the answer. When the female didn't answer, he re-opened his book with a 'hmpf' and continued reading whatever it was he was reading.
'I still don't understand why you hadn't told me about it sooner.'
Tilting her head a little, the ferian looked at the hobbit completely. They had been silent for a while now, content with the peacefulness of the silence. But apparently Bilbo had finally spoken his opinion about the events of a couple of weeks ago.
Ah, yes. She had given him quite the scare, that's for sure. With Bilbo joining some tea-party, Frêllian had decided to decline the offer. Too many hobbits wanting to keep petting her continuously. And while the ferian did enjoy the attention - she had never really received it back with the pack - enough was enough! And that day she had reached her limit for that day.
But when Bilbo had come home, he had squealed in surprise as he noticed a shadow moving through his pantry.
'Who are you?' he had asked in surprise. 'Who let you in?'
He had looked around in alert, hoping to find his faithful friend, but she had been nowhere to be seen. Besides, Frêllian would have never allowed a stranger into his house! The ferian had never been too fond of unexpected company. In the beginning she would even growl dangerously whenever someone at the door.
Just when he had wanted to warn the intruder again, the intruder had moved into the light with a bright smile. Her dark blue eyes sparkling in joy as she had looked at him. Her pale blondish hair like wild mane as she brushed it out off her face. Dressed as a warrior - you don't think he would miss that sharp-looking blade strapped on her back! - Bilbo had found himself staring at the dangerously looking beauty.
But then he had found his voice back and had demanded yet again for his intruder to make herself known to him. Beautiful or not, he had never been too fond of unannounced visitors. But the female before him had not answered him. Instead she had started laughing, the sound being very familiar.
'I see you do not recognize me, my friend,' she had said, moving towards the shocked hobbit.
That voice! He had heard it before! But from where, he hadn't known. Not at that moment.
'I fear not,' Bilbo had said as brave as he could. 'So tell me, what is your name?'
She had laughed again at his question. Well more a demand than a question. And while her laughter had faded, a smile had still graced her fine features. Her ears rounded and in the light of the candle he had seen something reflecting in one of her ears.
'Tell me, my friend, do you find my true form appealing?'
With his ears turning pink, he had found himself inspecting her as she had moved even closer. While he had inspection her out of interest - seeing as she had not been elf nor hobbit - she had found it amusing to comment about it. And out of shame, he had set his eyes on her face again. Her eyes holding a mischievous glint as she smiled at him.
Now face to face, he had noticed she stood just a little higher than himself. She had claimed they knew each other, but Bilbo would remembered meeting someone as the female. For he had never met someone of her race - not that he had ever met anything but hobbits and a ranger on one occasion. He had found himself thinking about all possible creatures that stood smaller than men.
Clearly not a hobbit, for she had lacked the big wooly feet. And while she was build like a warrior, her shoulders broad for wielding weapons, she seemed too fine featured for a dwarf. Then again, he had never met a dwarf.
But then he had noticed the sharp fangs and he could finally place the familiar sound of her voice. And while it usually had sounded much more feral, there now was no doubt in his mind.
Upon hearing him saying her name, had made her smile even more. Not only because he had finally realized who she was, but also because of the disbelieve in his voice. The hobbit had been shocked, to put it mildly.
Frêllian chuckled as she remembered that day.
'I needed to know if I could trust you,' Frêllian finally answered Bilbo, seeing as he was still waiting for a reply. 'Besides, do you really think you could have handled it if I had shown you my true form sooner?'
'No, I don't think so,' Bilbo replied honestly, after a moment of silence. 'But to be fair, who wouldn't be shocked to cross paths with a fruit-eating talking wolf, who turned out to be a ferian - which I didn't even know existed! Only to find out she turns into a woman?'
Frêllian laughed as she stood up. Stretching her back, she yawned. Her dear hobbit friend still hadn't been able to accept she could turn into - what could be described as - a woman. Well, to be honest, it was actually the other way around. She had tried to explain it to Bilbo, but at the moment it seemed it was a bit too much to handle.
But ferien weren't wolves that could turn into human-looking creatures. Ferien were two-legged, human-looking creatures that can turn into giant wolves. Well, if the said ferian was a pure-blood.
'If you'd prefer my true form over this one, I'd gladly change.'
Under any other circumstances and with someone other than Frêllian, those words would have sounded innocent. But the flirtatious hint in her voice made his ears redden as he looked baffled at the she-wolf. He had it coming though. He had shamelessly looked at her the first time he had seen her in her true form. Especially after finding out his supposed intruder had turned out to be Frêllian.
But in his defense, he had only been staring because he had never seen a ferian in their true form before! He had no interest in the female what so ever. Beautiful or not! His only interest was in ferien themselves - as it turns out their folk was even more interesting than he had given them credit for.
And while Frêllian knew that as well, she had made it a habit to embarrass her little hobbit friend every now and then. Especially when being in her true form. Those moments she took even more joy out embarrassing Bilbo. For flirting in her wolf-form may result in a slight burn off his cheeks. But as a ferian, his slight pink blush turned into bright red to a point he reminded her of a tomato.
'You only need ask, little rabbit.'
With a wink, Frêllian retired to her chambers, leaving a glaring Bilbo behind.

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