Chapter 1

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Deep yellow eyes scanned the area as the pack drew closer. They would be here soon, causing her to curse under her breath. Those darn mutts! She really hated those vile creatures! She really did! It was because of them she had lost her mother when she was only a pup! And to think she had to live her life with them!
A low growl escaped her throat as she ran even harder. Well, she wasn't a pup anymore! They couldn't command her anymore! She was stronger and smarter than any of the wargs! Well perhaps with the exception of her. At least she didn't need an orc commanding her around. She wasn't some kind of pet to fetch her master whatever he needed! Nor was she a mount to be used for the lazy!
She kept on running as fast as her legs could carry her – which was fast! The sounds of the wargs slowly fading. If only she could keep them off long enough, they would eventually stop chasing her, at least that's the plan. Of course he wouldn't be pleased and some heads would be rolling. But she didn't care. She had nobody left, except for her uncle and they didn't exactly see eye to eye about certain things.
No, her only hope was to find her father. That is, if he was still alive. The last time she had seen him, was over sixty years ago. He wouldn't even recognize her if she did find him. And where would she search?
Suddenly she came to a halt, growling at the moving form in the shadow. To be honest, she didn't count on her to be following her as well. Then again, of all the canines, she knew her best. Mother knows best, or so she always said.
Slowly the large white warg moved out of the shadow, her head low, her ears flat. A snarl escaped the young ferian as she stared at the warg.
'Off to your nest, pup,' Matriarch said as she growled at the ferian, baring her sharp teeth as well. 'You don't want the master to punish you, do you?'
'Like you care about me, warg!'
The white warg moved closer to the young ferian, both of them snarled at each other. As the largest warg – the mother of wargs – Matriarch stood taller than the smaller creature, sending her a look that could pass as a glare if she had been an orc.
'Have I not raised you as a pup? Have I not cared for you over these passed sixty-five years?'
'You are not my mother, Matriarch! And I will not come with you!'
A low growl escaped her throat, turning into a warning bark as the smaller female took a few steps back. She didn't want to attack the warg. She really didn't! The wrath of her rider would be immense. And the larger canine was undoubtedly stronger. But if the female wouldn't back off, she would fight!
'That's enough!'
At the dangerous bark of warning, the ferian quickly turned around, to find a dark grey wolf standing behind her. His golden eyes on Matriarch, before shifting to the younger female. He growled at her, though less menacing than the warg had done moments before.
'Uncle, please,' the ferian begged as she looked at him pleadingly. 'Please, don't let me return to that place. I beg of you.'
'It is for the best, Frêllian,' the male said, moving closer to the two canine creatures. 'The master will not take traitors lightly.'
'He is not my master! He never was!'
At this the warg leaped at Frêllian, pinning her to the ground as she growled, her ears flattened in her neck as she glowered down at the pinned down female.
'It was our master that has saved you!'
'Saved me? Saved me! He ordered you to kill my mother, forcing me to live under your care,' Frêllian spat as she tried to move from under the heavy warg. 'Is that what you call "saved"?'
A heavy paw pushed Frêllian down into the dirt as Matriarch lowered her head towards the ferian. The ferian mentally cursing her lack of years and hight. If only she had been full grown, she would have been able to take on the mother of wargs. But with her seventy-five, Frêllian was only just of age. Her full hight not yet reached and she was a runt at that too. So she only growled as the warg spoke.
'Cànna was a traitor, siding with masters enemy,' Matriarch said in a low snarl as she mentioned the late ferian. 'You are lucky master let you live, considering your tainted blood.'
With that said, the warg got off of her, only to grab Frêllian in her mouth, before the ferian even had time to get up. Avoiding biting the young female, Matriarch looked at the male ferian. A silent message being said, before both of them took off again. A loud howl came from Fêrram - no doubt calling the others – as Matriarch carried Frêllian like a mother would carry her pup. And all the ferian could do was glare at the moving scenery. She had almost made it passed the border this time.

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