Chapter 19

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'Ugh, I'm starting to hate this place.'
Frêllian lowered her head to avoid bumping it against a low-hanging branch. Her eyes never leaving the path, as she followed Dwalin.
'Really?' Bilbo looks up in surprise. 'I thought you liked forests?'
'Oh, I do. Just not this one,' she grumbled. 'There is something wrong with it.'
Bilbo nodded at this, agreeing with the ferian. He felt it too. This forest felt sick. It made everyone feel on edge and gloomy.
'The path goes this way!'
As they kept on following the path, their surroundings become darker and darker. Even though it should be midday, the sunlight barely reached the ground. More than once someone had bumped into Frêllian, probably having tripped over something. Which, of course, ended up in Frêllian snapping at the said person in agitation.
Next to her, Bilbo tripped, only to be caught by the ferian. Helping him find his balance again, she asked if he was alright. To which the hobbit nodded his head.
Satisfied, she released him, continuing her way. The sound of Dwalin's hammer thumping the ground had become a familiar sound as he searched the paving stones of the trail. Every now and then he called out for them, telling them which way the path goes.
They had been travelling this way for two days. And while the days were gloomy, the nights were worse. No one but Frêllian could see in the darkness. And even the said ferian had limited sight in the darkness of the forest. During their first night, they had made a campfire. Something they refused to again, for in the shadows of the trees they had seen all kind of eyes. Friendly ones, curious ones. Or perhaps unfriendly ones, weighing down their chances. Who knew?
'Shouldn't we have reached a bridge by now,' Frêllian asked as she walked in the front, along with her father. 'Gandalf had said we should reach a bridge on our third day of traveling.'
'I don't know, lass,' the warrior answered, following Bofur. 'I can hardly keep the days apart.'
Frêllian was about to say something else, when she heard the hatted dwarf inform them that they had reached a bridge. Quickening her pace, she quickly reached the said dwarf. A smile on her face in excitement, glad they have finally made some progress. But it quickly faltered as she took notice of the state the bridge was.
'And how are you going to reach the other side,' she questioned, as her eyes travelled over the old bridge and the gap between the two sides. 'I mean, I am able to jump to the other side. But the rest of you will definitely not reach it.'
'Well, we could always try swimming,' Bofur suggested, but Thorin disagreed.
'Gandalf said these waters are cursed. We must cross the river without touching the water.'
'Well… Frêllian could help us one by one,' Fíli said after a moment of silence. 'We all know she is strong enough to hold us, once she transforms.'
'Don't even think about it,' the said female growled, glaring at the blond male. 'I will not carry anyone on my back.'
Fíli stared at her in surprise for a moment. But then opened his mouth again.
'Why not? You carried Thorin the other day.'
'And Kíli too,' Fíli ended, ignoring his uncle's warning. 'Sure, you will have to jump back and forth a couple of times. But should you get tired afterwards, I'd be happy to carry you for a while.'
She stayed silent for a moment, not knowing what to say. Her cheeks starting to warm up at the thought, before she shook it off. Her glare returned as she faced the dwarf. Her blue eyes slowly turning golden as the golden haired dwarf looked at her with a smile. It seemed he hadn't noticed her change just yet.
Until their eyes met.
'Look, Frey,' he quickly began, stuttering to find the right words. 'I didn't mean anything by it. It was just an offer.'
It appeared he did not understand why she was angry. But she didn't care. With two quick strides, she stopped before Fíli. Blue eyes still locked with golden as she grinded her teeth.
'Why don't you jump back and forth then, carrying the others on your back,' she told him with a venomous voice. 'If you are so eager to be used as a mount, that is. You are a strong dwarf, are you not you? So do it yourself!'
And with that, the ferian ran towards the bridge and took a leap. With her now enhanced hearing, she heard a few gasps as she jumped. Though they did not need to fear, for she could now jump further and higher in her newly found alpha state.
Once on the other side, she sat down, her back turned towards the others. She heard a thud, followed by Fíli angered yell of surprise.
She scoffed. Served him right.

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