Chapter 23

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'You should have seen it,' Fili said enthusiastically. 'The way that dragon reacted.'
After their arrival back at the camp, Fíli and Frêllian had told the others about the four-legged dragons the size of an ox. About their reptilian skin and their big frills. And the bright colours the frill of the alpha male had.
'It almost seemed Frey could command them,' the dwarf finished.
'Perhaps there is a chance you might command Smaug as well,' Ori wondered out loud hopefully. His eyes on the ferian as he wondered out loud.
'Don't be ridiculous. I did not control them and I most certainly will not try and control that fire drake holed up in the mountain!'
She had wished Fíli had not spoken of what had happened. Fearing they would think she could miraculously control the mighty beast called Smaug. Which turned out to be the case. But why would such a powerful creature listen to a puny ferian such as herself?
No, just like the stories she had heard when she had been just a child, these small dragons had felt at ease with her. Yes, she had startled them, but the did not fear her. Powerful, yet docile dragons. Not nearly as big as their fire breathing and flying cousins.
Though she was still surprised of how many stories had held truth to them. The power of the first born being one of them. And now these dragons had started to show up. True, they were not the dragons she had imagined them to be. But dragons they still were.
And while Frêllian had never been one to believe the myths of her people, she now found herself wondering how much of those myths were actually true. Had there really been a time where there were two moons circling the earth? Was she really the descendant of the moon?
And what of the lost child of Aelash? The story of the lost sister? Was there really such a legendary child? If so, why had there never been an encounter with this descendant of Aelash?
While Frêllian was deep in thought, she failed to listen to the conversation. Though it seemed Fíli gladly told the others about their experience. So she just sat there in silence. Not even listening to what the others said. Not even feeling the gaze of Bilbo on her every now and then as the hobbit looked at her in concern.
And as strange as it might be, so unlike her, Frêllian was the first to call it a night. Laying down in her seat next to Dwalin. Her gaze up at the sky as she looked at the stars. Then she turned her attention to the bright full moon.
She had grown up calling her Lüna. Not because of her believes, but out of custom. Her mother had called her Lüna and her uncle did too. Even back at the pack. Ferian and warg always addressed the moon as Lüna. But did anyone know the truth? Did her mother know? What even was the truth?
The light of Lüna faded as Frêllian slowly closed her eyes. The last thing she saw was the concerned looking Bilbo as he looked at her. Then, she found herself drifting off into a dreamless sleep.
'Frêllian,' a soft voice called out. 'Wake up, Frey.'
Frêllian muttered in her sleep. Telling the voice to bother someone else. But the person did not as she had told. Instead a hand reached out for her, gently shaking her awake.
'Come on, Frey. We are about to leave.'
Suddenly the ferian jolted awake. Leave? Why? Sitting up straight, the first thing she saw was the face of Bilbo. His eyes filled with concern as he looked at her. Not that she could blame him.
All around her, the dwarves were almost finished packing. Wanting to continue their journey as fast as possible. Though what troubled her was the silence. The once so cheerful dwarves, the loud dwarves, now barely saying a word. No muttering, no bickering.
'Are you alright,' Bilbo questioned as the ferian started to pack her belongings as well - as few as they were. 'This is so unlike you. You usually are one of the first to rise. And now we couldn't wake you up.'
'I'm fine, Bilbo,' was her soft reply.
To reasure the hobbit when he gave her a doubtful look, she smiled at him. Yes, she was alright. She had just been a little tired. Having gotten rid of the poison out of Kíli's blood had taken a lot of her energy. And she hadn't had the chance to regain her energy with all the commotion at Esgaroth.
Though it seemed those land dragons from last night had somehow allowed her to give in to her tiredness. And now that she was fully awake, she felt better than ever!
'You had us worried, lass.'
She smiled again as she walked over to the white haired dwarf, Bilbo following along. He told her they would reach Erebor today, which they would have to. For today was Durin's Day.
Taking the piece of bread from Dwalin, they were off. While the mountain - their destination - was so close by, yet it was still so far away. As they walked miles and miles, watching as beautiful landscapes turned into barren and burned ones.

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