Chapter 37

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Frêllian smiled as she heard her beta acknowledge Fíli as his superior, her smile widening when the dwarf turned his attention back to her. A gesture he returned as he gently lowered his head to hers, pressing his brow against her own. The touch of his beard - which hadn't changed much since she had last seen him - tickled her skin as he spoke. His voice was just above a whisper.
'Welcome home, my love.'
While the gesture had been a simple one, cheers erupted from the dwarves present. News of Frêllian's arrival must have travelled fast through the kingdom. In fact, news had already reached a particular group of dwarves, who had stood behind the closed doors in anticipation up until now. But at the sight of their king being united with his love, had made them erupt into a loud cheer. Though the sudden sound had surprised both royalties, the ferian was hardly surprised to find out they had come to the throneroom as well. It had been Balin, her uncle, to have let her in after all. She was more surprised that he hadn't told her father about her arrival. She had to give him credit for that. For Dwalin had looked frozen in place when he had noticed her sneak up on Fíli.
'So when's the wedding?'
A not so subtle Bofur had made his way over to them, along with his comrades. Even Dwalin had moved from his spot.
Before, he had remained frozen on his spot, his eyes looking at Frêllian in shock. Yet now he stood next to Frêllian. His hand lingered above her head for a moment, before he gently brushed it over her hair. The touch uncharacteristically tender as he followed her hair down the back of her head. Once her reached her neck, he removed his hand only to replace it on her shoulder. His other hand on the other one.
A surprised gasp escaped her lips as Dwalin suddenly turned her around so she was now facing him instead. His eyes moist as he took in her appearance with tearfilled eyes.
'Took you long enough, Frey,' he stated gruffly. Yet he could not hide the soft undertone as he looked down at her.
'I agree.' Then she wrapped her arms around him tightly. 'I missed you, adad. I've missed all of you.'
Dwalin grinned proudly at her, stating that her Khuzdul pronunciation needed a little work. To which Frêllian silently agreed to. But now she was finally here again. With her family, her friends.
But most importantly, her leafste.
Her dark blue eyes locked with Fíli's lighter ones as he spoke to her. His voice soft, his touch even softer as he held her hands in his. Like he was still in disbelief and afraid he would find out all of this was just in his head. And once he would hold onto her too tightly, this mirage of her would disappear.
So, to reassure him that she wasn't going anywhere, Frêllian softly squeezed his hands. Gently rubbing her thumbs over his fingertips.
It seemed to be all the reassurance he needed. For he lifted her hands up to his lips and placed a kiss on each one. Then he released her left hand and turned to face Dwalin. His left hand still holding her right one close to his body. With his back now straightened and his head held high, Fíli looked like the brave warrior she had first met all those years back at Bag End again. And nothing like the pitiful excuse of a king she had seen only moments ago. That sight had pained her to see. Yet the dwarf that stood beside her now, gave her that familiar giddy feeling she had grown accustomed of during their journey to reclaim Erebor.
'Dwalin,' Fili started. His voice loud and clear for all to hear. Yet it held the authority and respect one should expect from a dwarf in his position. 'I know that you were once against me courting your daughter. You may not have said any ill words about the matter to me, I have certainly heard them from my uncle.'
A handful of chuckles filled the room as Fili searched for the right words. Dwalin himself being one of the dwarves to have been humoured by his king. Though the tips of his ears had turned slightly red at the remark.
'Yet I know you were merely afraid of losing your daughter, after being estranged from one another for such a long time. And I can only respect you for that. For the bond between a father and his daughter is a sacred one. One that was taken from you.'
Fíli placed his free hand on top of Frêllian's hand he was already holding. His gaze trailed over towards her for a moment, before he turned his attention towards Dwalin again. His words silenced everyone as he spoke. Not only out of respect for their king, but out of respect for what was to come. For even a fool would have figured out by now what Fíli was doing.
'I know promises have already been made between Frellian and I. But I want to ask you properly, as her father, for her hand in marriage.' Fíli looked over at Frêllian again. His eyes filled with love as he gave her hand a soft squeeze. This time his eyes remained on her as he continued. 'Not to take her away from you. But to cherish her as well, to the best of my abilities. While you can still be a part of her life and recreate that sacred bond you so long for.'
'I-,' Dwalin started, but his voice was lost in his throat. Instead a croaky sound came out and the dwarf cleared his throat. His eyes watery as he tried to find the right words to reply. 'I've never been particularly good with words. But even a dwarf such as myself, knows when words are just that; fancy words. But what matters, is when they come from the heart. And I've never heard words more from the heart than yours, your grace.'
Dwalin let out an amused chuckle, before continuing.
'I know I can be stubborn. And Balin knows how foolish I can be. But I know when to say the right thing, even when my words would fail me otherwise.'
Dwalin looked at the pair standing in front of him. Both dear to him, though one slightly more than the other. One dwarf, the other a ferian. Yet it was clear to Dwalin that they loved one another. The look Frêllian gave Fíli, reminded the dwarf of the loving look is own wife used to give him.
Yes, much was stolen from Dwalin. A long life with his wife, a strong bond with his only child, followed by the years of grief he had felt.
Yet he never regretted marrying Cànna. Even if his time with her was short, he would have done it all over again. For during his marriage, he was truly happy. And he wished for his own daughter to experience such happiness as well.
Though perhaps, if possible, without the tragedy that followed after.
So of course, he could not deny Frêllian such love. A love no father could give, only a lover. And to her, Fíli was that person. So there only was one answer he could give.
'Yes,' he then finished. 'Yes, I will give you my blessings.'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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