Chapter 33

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The wind was cold, even if it was almost in the middle of May and the late morning sun shone brightly. As expected Frêllian and Canwrîf arrived at the once evil city within two days. What they did not expect was the stronghold to be abandoned.
The last time Frêllian had been there, it had been inhabited by orcs, wargs and a handful ferien. Yet now it stood empty. Probably abandoned after their defeat five years ago. Though the stench of evil still lingered.
Come to think of it, rumour had it that the orcs had retreated to Mordor. Planning, plotting, scheming. But she had expected some to still linger in dark places like these. But it appeared not to be the case.
'Will you be alright,' she asked her second in command as she eyed the mountains up ahead. 'I don't know how long I'll be away.'
'It's not me you should worry about, Frêllian,' Canwrîf stated gruffly as he stopped next to her. His eyes too, were on the mountains ahead of them. 'You are the one to seek out the ancient wolves. Beyond those mountains is the Northern Waste. Nothing but snow and cold awaits you there.'
She nodded. She could feel the chill of the wind as they stood there. But that was all it was, a chill. But from here on, the temperature would only grow colder in the lands of the everlasting snow. The lands where no men had walked and only few other folk had ever ventured. What laid ahead was a mystery and it frightened her.
She glanced over to Canwrîf, thankful of his company. But from here on, she would be on her own. She would look for the direwolves or die trying, but she would not allow Canwrîf to follow after her.
They had collected provisions for the way, which they had saved for her journey into the Northern Waste. Lord Elrond had even gifted then lembas bread, which they had saved for her journey beyond Carn Dûm.
'I guess this is where my journey ends.' Frêllian nodded as she glanced back to the mountain for a moment, before turning back to the ferian. 'Please be careful, my lady Supreme. And come back safe and sound.'
'Until my return, my friend.' She purposely did not answer him, only bidding him farewell, for now.
'Until your return.'
She pulled the ferian into a tight embrace. Not quite ready yet to depart from him. The fear that had built up within her chest was now trying it's best to keep her from continuing. To try and make her turn around and make her way back to Rivendel.
But she fought it off.
With one final farewell, Frêllian turned towards to mountains. The last part of her journey was now within hand reach.
Though the climb would not be high, it would be treacherous. From where she was, she could see the snow laying untouched at the sides. And the further up she walked, the cooler the air became. The scent of Canwrîf was already fading. And even after shifting into her wolf form, she could barely pick up his scent. And after the wind changed, she could no longer pick up the telltale scent of cedarwood and a hint of fresh rain of the male. Instead she was met with new scents. Some she recognised, others she didn't. But whatever was up there in the Northern Waste, she should be able to travel unnoticed for now. Until the wind would turn.
Frêllian stopped for a moment, as she orientated herself. She was much higher up than she had anticipated. Even in the short time she had climbed. She couldn't have been climbing for more than an hour or two, yet she had almost reached the peak.
Perhaps it was because she had already been far up before she departed from Canwrîf an the mountain itself wasn't that high. And her shifting form had probably sped up her climb. Whatever it was, she sure was grateful the climb was almost over.
The higher she got, the more steeper the wall became. And not to mention the cold! Even her thick fur could no longer block the cold wind any longer. If the nights were even colder - which she reckoned they were - she'd have to make sure she had shelter to sleep. If not, she would freeze to death.
Deciding she needed all the time she could get, Frêllian quickened her pace. Her left hind leg slipped for a moment, as she jumped onto a ledge, but quickly balanced herself. Almost there! The ground was leveled here, so she started to make a sprint for it. Her paws crunching in the snow as she ran, leaving deep footprints behind.
The wind was howling as she neared the peak, picking up snow everywhere it went.
Almost warning her to stop. But the ferian ignored it. She was almost there! Almost! And no matter how hard the wind howled, she would not let it stop her.
Slowly Frêllian came to a halt. She had reached the peak and took her first glance at what laid beyond. There was snow as far as the eye could see. But not all was white, which surprised her. She had expected to see only waste, as the name Northern Waste suggested. But it held a serene beauty. In the distance she could see a forest and beyond that, there was a formation of dark rocks, contrasting the white snow.
And there was life down there as well. She could smell it. She took a moment longer to take in the beauty of the so called waste, before she started to look around for a way down. She needed to find her way down and find shelter, before nightfall.

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