Chapter 3

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Every now and then he turned his head around. Only to see yellow eyes watching him intently. She had not yet made an effort to jump him, or rip him apart. But how long would the creature wait? Better yet, what was she waiting for?
His eyes widened as he realized something. She was a wolf, and wolves hunted in packs! What if she was waiting for a member of her pack to attack? He quickly scanned the area, but no other creature was to be seen. Nor could he hear any movements.
He had to get away from this… this wolf! He needed to get back home! There he would be safe!
As the hobbit slowly made his way back home, he still remained on the look-out for any movements. But there was none. But a quick look over his shoulder told him, the creature had stood up, her yellow eyes still fixed on him, observing his every move.
'Shoo,' he tried to scare it off, but she remained where she was standing. 'Go, shoo!'
He was such an idiot. She was clearly a predator. She wouldn't be scared off that easily. And did she just laugh at him? Well it sure looked like she was laughing. Not good, not good at all! He was already imagining things! Wolves didn't laugh! They couldn't!
Turning his head, he took in his surroundings. What if he made a run for it? His home wasn't too far off. He might make it! But then again…
Looking at the heavy basked, he knew he would not be able to outrun the wolf even if he tried. Not with so many items in his basked. Glancing back at the wolf, he looked at her legs. Strong, like the rest of her body. Build for running and leaping at her prey. Which would be him at the moment.
But what if he… He slowly moved away from the wolf, his eyes not missing any of her movements. She was slowly following him!
Swallowing thickly the hobbit took another step, and another, and another one. His heart beating out of control as he quickened his pace. She kept on following him on a much slower pace. Her tail wagging as she did so. Probably excited for the hunt! But what else could he do?!
A pig squealed and he noticed she had stopped moving, her head turned towards the sound. Her head tilted to the side a little as she continued listening.
With a heavy thud his basked fell to the ground and he made a run for it. That pig might just have saved his life! If he made it back home alive, he would never eat pork again. Ever! He could see his house already. The green door – his door really was in desperate need of a paint job – covered in white snow. Running up the slippery steps, he almost fell down. But he regained his balance.
As he reached his door, he tried to find the key. His fingers clumsy as he took out the iron item. Just a little more! Just a little! But the sound of crunching snow, made the hobbit stop dead in his tracks. His thick fingers holding onto the key tightly as his hand hovers in the air. The wolf had followed him! He just knew it! He could feel her yellow eyes piercing in his back. He should just open the door and get inside, right now! Just unlock the door, open it an close it as soon he was inside. For goodness sake, he had the key in his hand already!
He could hear her make a grunting noise, which almost sounded like she was talking. Which was absolutely absurd of course!
'You dropped this,' a raspy yet feminine voice said, causing the hobbit to turn around. But instead of seeing a female hobbit, his eyes landed on the wolf again. 'Your basked, you dropped it.'
He stared at the creature in surprise, his hands shaking as he tried to comprehend what was going on. It was official, he had lost his mind. With one last look at the creature, he felt the ground moving closer – or was he moving closer to the ground? – and everything turned dark.

'I, er, I… Well I don't think this is such a good idea.'
Frêllian turned her head towards Bilbo – she had learned to be the creatures name. A hobbit from the Shire. Sitting in the hallway, she waited for the hobbit to put on his jacket. Why on earth was he taking so long.
'But I haven't really been outside this whole winter!'
Even after three months, Bilbo still found it a strange thing to hear. A talking wolf, well no. A ferian. But besides Frêllian, the hobbit had never encountered another ferian so how was he suppose to know they could talk? But every time Bilbo heard her speak, he found it disturbing. A feminine voice, combined with a lower feral sound.
Yes, the first time she had spoken to him, the hobbit had been quite spooked – to put it mildly. And due to her appearance, he had been reluctant about her being outdoor. If someone was to see her, there would be panic all over the Shire! No, no, no, they couldn't have such sort of nonsense! It wasn't necessary.
'And there is a good reason for that!'
'But I am a ferian! I belong to roam freely,' the ferian whined, lowering her head in sadness.
'Then you shouldn't have followed me back to home. Do you know what kind of trouble I have been trough, the scare you gave me back then?!'
Frêllian scoffed as Bilbo finally arrived at the door. She had been starved and he had food. And lots of it! How could she not have followed the strange creature? But now she feared she might have made the wrong decision. She needed to get out, but how? She needs to think and fast!
'I could pretend to be your guard dog!'
She couldn't believe she even suggested that! Scowling at her own idea, she looked at the hobbit. Having to act like some kind of pet wasn't something she fancied doing. But if that meant she could go outside, she'd gladly do it!
Though Bilbo wasn't too pleased with that idea, as he stared at her skeptical. She was bigger than any normal dog. She was even slightly bigger than a normal wolf! Besides, her whole appearance just screamed wolf.
'And you really think they will believe it? You look like a direwolf. How do you think the others will react on seeing a creature thought extinct long ago, hm?'
Frêllian scoffed. A direwolf extinct, like that would ever happen. Not that Bilbo should know about the packs roaming the north, with winters cold enough to freeze the fur off your body. Knowing the hobbit, he might have a fit. Because, let's face it, he actually fainted when she had started talking to him. So better not tell him of the large wolves of the north.
'It doesn't matter. You will be staying here. No one must see you.'
With that the hobbit left. Outside he sighed. The weather was nice, no wonder his canine friend wanted to get out. But they had made an arrangement that she could only get out, when it is dark outside. Of course she was free to leave whenever she wished, but then she could no longer stay with Bilbo.
'Good morning, mister Bilbo,' his neighbor greeted him with a smile.
'Good morning.'
'Going to the market I see?'
He simply nodded and moved on. He passed some other hobbits, greeting them friendly, shaking his head when they just stared at him strangely. Whatever was bothering them, surely wasn't bothering him. So the hobbit kept on walking. Crossing the stone bridge, Bilbo walked over to the first stand.
Meat. He had to get enough for Frêllian, especially pork. The salted meat being something she had never had before their meeting. And after her first taste, it seemed she couldn't get enough of it.
'Good morning, mister Bilbo,' Falco greeted him. 'Running low on supplies? No doubt he's eating all he can find.
When Falco noticed the hobbit didn't understand what he meant, he pointed at something behind Bilbo. Turning his head, he almost screamed as he saw familiar yellow eyes watching him.
'Frêllian! What are you doing here!'
'He's quite a big guy, isn't he? Falco questioned as he watched the – what he assumed to be a – dog. 'Never seen one like that one before. Bet he's quite the guard dog.'
'Yes, yes she is. Though I fear her ears do not work as well as they should.'
Sending a glare towards the ferian, Bilbo turned to face the hobbit again.
'So, you don't find her frightening?'
Falco barked a laughter, telling him if he were to see her on the streets at night he would be too afraid to move. But seeing her in clear daylight, she had a friendly face. His statement made the ferian pant, wagging her taie as she moved closer to Bilbo.
'Can I pet her?'
Bilbo didn't answer him, as he eyed Frêllian carefully. But she remained in her role perfectly, moving her head slightly to the side with a soft grunting sound. If he didn't know any better, he himself would believe the ferian to be a dog as well. A really large dog, but a dog none the least.
'My, my, aren't you a darling,' Falco said as he pats Frêllian on her head. 'What did you say her name was?'
Still confused as to why the hobbit wasn't scared of the ferian, Bilbo answered slowly. Falco repeated the name as he scratched her behind her ears, causing the female to lean against him even more. Which in his turn Bilbo to smile a little. He had found out about that weakness really soon. Scratch her behind her ears and Frêllian was like a domesticated pup.
After Falco took his place behind his stand again, Bilbo paid him and left. But not before seeing Frêllian getting some meat on the house.
'That could have gone horrible wrong, you know,' he scowled at the ferian as she took her place next to him.
'Oh shush, it went fine. You're just grumpy I was right. Besides, you heard the hobbit. I have a friendly face.' She grinned at that, at least for as far as a wolf could grin. 'So, what's next?'
With a heavy sigh, Bilbo glanced at the ferian. A strange creature she was. Just a couple off months ago he had thought she was going to eat him. And now she was the best company he has had in a long time. And – he noticed just now – in a certain angle she almost did look like a domesticated dog. Almost!
Still, one question remained on his thoughts. A question he had yet to ask, but unable to do so. How did she get him inside his house after he fainted?

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