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I'm not stupid, I can't stay here, it's already dark and I head further into the maze away from the doors. I wish so much that Newt and Gally were here, wait no I don't I don't want them to be in the maze. What I want is them outside the maze and me with them laughing and smiling. I wish I made it out but I don't regret saving Minho not even for a second, even if I die I know I did the right thing. But how I wish I could hear Newts voice, feel Gally's arms around me, see his amazing eyebrows, hear his heart beat when he pulls me close to him. I find a patch of really thick vines and climb up. I entangle myself in them so I'm not holding myself up to much and wait for the sun to come up. This is going to be the first night without Newt, at least I know I'm not going to get nightmares because there is no way I'm sleeping. If Gally were here he would wrap his arms around me and tell me to get some sleep he has always looked out for me always protected me, he doesn't even let the medjacks bandage me up he has to do it himself.

I'm starving, but I do have some food from lunch. I take it out and eat, right then a griever comes and starts cutting the vines. I'm falling but I'm entangled in the vines I grab my knife and start slashing at the vines. I'm getting closer to the creature and my heart is beating out of my chest I feel hot blood rush down my leg but I'm not thinking about it. I'm free from the vines and use the wall to push off and jump over the griever. I land and roll, standing up quickly with the griever hot on my feet I bolt around some corners. The maze is changing maybe I can slip through a changing wall.

As if on que I see two walls sliding together, I pick up my run making it through the walls just in time I can hear the crunch and scream meaning the griever got crushed. I was safe but I couldn't slow down fast enough and I slam into the wall using my hands to absorb the impact. I hear a crack and pain shoots through my wrist this isn't good, this is so not good. The grievers should be heading back by know and I can start heading back.

Meanwhile in the glade: Gally's POV

It's all my fault! I'm the one who made a bet with Jo in the first place. I should of just kept my mouth shut, ugh but I wanted to test her so much. She is just so interesting, so different, I wanted to see how much she could handle.

Then when she almost got stuck in the maze I should have never let her back in. My heart was breaking that day thinking she wouldn't come back to me. I need her, she fixes me, all my broken parts all the parts I thought no one could like. That made me undesirable, she has some sort of power over me that makes me forget about them.

Now she is stuck in the maze and I can't even do anything! I can't protect her. She's probably dead right now... No, I know Jo, from the moment I met her she was strong. She stood up for herself, she can handle the maze.

I still remember that moment I heard screams coming from the medjacks hut and thought the girl was another crazy greenie. The screams kept coming so I decided to go take a look, she was even more beautiful when she was awake, even though she still looked tiny and frail her fiery red hair stood out. Then when I yelled at her... She yelled back. She wasn't a small girl she was fiery like her hair, her eyes were beautiful and I knew she was special.

Minho told me how she wouldn't leave him, how she saved his life from the grievers. I'm glad Minho is out but I wish it was Jo. I can't say I was shocked though it makes sense that she would sacrifice herself. She always put others first, so stupid of her really. Now she's gone, but I need her, I love her, I know Newt and the other gladers do to but they see her as a sister. I love her, differently.

Jo's POV

The doors are opening I'm about two corridors away. My wrist is screaming at me and I am starving to death my mouth is dry, and my vision is blurry from blood loss. I see the doors all the gladers are there again and I pick up my pace forgetting about my wrist. I see Newt there first arm opened wide I jump into them and feel his arms wrap around me.

Then I detach and go into Gally's open arms, I want to cry but I'm not going to, that's not who I am. Gally's arms wrap around me and I hear his heart beating. I was longing for this, his warm embrace. Suddenly all the pain comes back, the lack of energy the blood loss and my wrist. Gally sets me down and I start to feel dizzy. I can hear him talking but I can't understand him. Then I fall into his chest as the world goes black I feel his arms wrap around me picking me up. I know I'm safe with Gally, I'm always safe with him, I love him.

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