The maze

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We only have about a half hour before the doors close we should have been out hours ago but with Minhos ankle we haven't been moving that fast shuck why do I have to be so small, Minho's a big guy and its hard to support him. Like can't believe the amount of times he has tried to convince me to leave him behind, I would never do that. We walk in silence sweat coming off both of us as we turn another corner in a distance I see another griever heading our way. I panic, surely it will see us plus that's the only way back, it lets out a screech saying that it found us and I scramble for an idea.

That's when I see the vines I send Minho up climbing but he's not very fast, the grievers approaching faster now and I'll need to get at least 20 ft up to be safe Minho's finally up and I start climbing i only have about five seconds before the griever is here. I pull on the vines using what little energy I have left to get up. I'm up high enough the griever can't reach us.

We hang out there for about five minutes before the griever decides to leave. I climb down and keep on alert as Minho comes down we are loosing time we need to go. I grab Minho and start walking he winces every time he has to put weight on his bad ankle, great there is no possible way he will be able to walk or run on his own.

"Mini it's no use I've been down these walls before there's no way you can make it out in time." Ugh not again this is the tenth time he's done this. "I'm not leaving you!" "Why?" This is new he's never actually continued the conversation. "Minho I'm not leaving you, you know the maze you can get us out. Your smart your strong your sane, your more important." I say the last part in a whisper hoping he doesn't notice. " Mini, your important. Your strong your smart you know the maze as well as I do, for shucks sake you are everyone's little sister." " I love you Jo." I keep going but my mind is racing he what. He loves me!? Then he bursts out laughing " I love you as my sister, I want to protect you."

It's been 24 minutes we only have one minute left there's only one more turn before the doors. I speed up, we have to get out we turn the corner and see the doors beyond the doors I can see Newt and Gally and the rest of the gladers.

They all look worried and as they see us they start yelling encouragements. My mind spins from lack of food I didn't have time to eat yet and I'm starving. The doors start closing and I start running with Minho dragging him along, only one of us will be able to fit I pull on Minho's arm. Drag him in front of me and push him I watch him fall out the other side and smile to myself he'll get help from the medjacks.

I can see Newts and Gally's faces yelling at me "come on Jo come on!" I want to go but I know I won't make it out in time." Before the doors close I yell, "I'll see you tomorrow." Then the doors close, I'm separated from the glade, I'm on my own Newt and Gally aren't here they can't protect me. But Minho is safe, he is free from the maze. Me, I belong to the maze.

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