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Gally's POV
Jo comes around the corner and I'm so happy she is ok. Well ok might be an overstatement there's blood coming from her leg her face is pale and her wrist is swollen. She makes eye contact with Newt first and she jumps into his arms. How could she see him first what about me? But she then comes into my arms and my anger is gone. I'm happy she's back now safe as her red hair tickles my chin as I wrest my chin on her head.

Shuck she's short but I love it, suddenly I feel her leaning against me more and then all at once she seems to collapse on me. It's a good thing she's light and I'm strong cause I was not expecting that. I look at her and her eyes are closed, I hope she's only passed out and not something worse. "Jo, Jo c'mon stay with me come on." Realizing she's not going to wake up I pick her up and start heading towards the med jacks hut, all of a sudden she tenses up and grabs my shirt. "Hey, hey, it's ok Jo, I'm here, your safe now, I won't let anything hurt you."

Cause I love you. I know this for sure, her strength, her passion, her love, her kindness, how connected we are, her fiery red hair, her height, damn even down to the last freckle I love every part of her.

But right now she needs help, she needs the med jacks. I bring her in and lay her on a bed, automatically med jacks come to her aid and start wiping off blood and doing other things I don't know. Shuck I hope she's ok.

It's been three days since Jo came back. She's still asleep, its been three days! how much sleep does a person need?! God i miss her, its not as bad as her being in the maze, i know shes safe now but i still miss her touch, her laughter, her smile, her eyes. I haven't seen her beautiful eyes in what feels like forever. 

Newt would come and go, I can tell he misses her, we all do, Minho's come in too he's beating himself up about leaving her in the maze. I should be beating him up, that's what the old Gally would do... but I'm not the old Gally, I'm hurting, I'm tired, i want my Jo back. 

I'm the only one thats stayed the whole time, i haven't taken my eyes off her. I always end up falling asleep sitting in the chair next to her bed head resting on my hand. Three days is to long I need her, I need her now. 


Newt's POV

Jo came back three days ago, damn i love her, i noticed that when i saw her coming through the doors. It killed me to see her so broken it was like the nights all over again. But she wasn't dreaming, she was actually broken, as i hugged her i didn't want to let go but i knew Gally wanted her. Even if he doesnt know it yet he loves Jo, more than all of us. I wish he didn't then maybe i would have a chance with her, but he needs her, she calms him down and im not about to stand in his way to calmness.

I just wish she would wake up I've gone in to see her but it's to painful, I've protecting her ever sinse she had her first nightmare. I've always been there to bring her back to protect her but this time i couldn't do anything. I failed. Just wake up Jo we all need you.


Gally= bold

Jo= regular

It's now the fourth day, I think I'm loosing my mind.

Black, everything is black. I have a weight on my chest keeping me down, I'm alone I'm all alone. There's no light nothing I'm floating in darkness, in silence, in pain. My back hurts my leg hurts my wrist hurts. 

What happened? how did i get here? then it all comes flooding back: i was trapped in the maze Minho twisted his ankle and i saved him. But in return i put my life into the maze. I almost died, i almost got stung, I hit a wall, My wrist hurt. But i got out.... ya i go out i made it out alive. I hugged Newt my favourite British crumpet. I got to hug Gally again i could feel his heart I felt safe in his strong arms. Oh what i would do for that touch right now. 

There's still a weight on my its keeping me down, I can tell that there is light up ahead but i can't reach it. Maybe it would be easier if i just stayed here. 

I know I'm loosing my mind. I need her touch, I see her hand lying on the mattress and i lightly skim my fingers over her hand. Damn she's cold.

Suddenly the light flickers, it was brighter. 

I pick up her calloused hand and lace our fingers together. We used to hold hands once she had calmed me down she would snake our hands together and give them a squeeze, then i would squeeze back. I squeeze  her hand and i swear i felt her squeeze back. I decide to try something, I'm going to talk to her, I'm going to bring Jo back.

Somethings in my hand its warm. But the weight is still on me, the light is getting brighter now and closer.

"hey Jo, c'mon i know your in there. Even if your stuck i know you can get out cause your strong. You can do anything you set your mind to. I need you Jo, I'm loosing my mind without you. Please Jo come back to me." A tear roles down my face, I don't even try to wipe it away. Shuck so many gladers have died why does Jo have to leave me to. I can't loose her to, another tear roles down and soon there quietly streaming down my face like rivers. I need her, I love her. I bring her hand up to my mouth and lightly kiss her hand...

The light is getting bigger and brighter. oh how i wish it would hurry up I want to leave I don't like this darkness. I'm struggling towards it but whenever i move closer it moves away. Then it decides to move towards me. God how can a light be so annoying. I hear a voice, It's a broken voice the person it belongs to is clearly sad. They must really love what they are talking about. Its Gally's voice i would recognize it anywhere, he's talking to me. The light becomes bigger. It's so close! Just one more pulse then i feel a pair of soft lips on my hand and i can reach the light.

Gally's holding my hand. My eyes are cold but i'm back. I squeeze his hand and open my eyes the first thing i see is a tired and broken Gally. He's crying, then he notices me and a smile breaks his sad face. I ignore the pain and sit up a bit using my hand i bring him closer to me and hug him. I know that i'm not letting go as i drift off to sleep, if Gally's here i know i'll be able to wake up. He is my light. 

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