Starting Again

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I wake up wrapped in warm arms and I know that I am alright. There is a warm feeling in my stomach like butterflies but they are friend butterflies not boyfriend butterflies. I unwrap myself from Newts arms and change into my clothes. When I go to get food Gally is there and I automatically get happier. "Hey Gally."

I say to him he looks up and nods to me as he goes back to his bowl of oatmeal. "Wow that hurt man, I I mean I I thought that we were friends. And then you you just don't talk to me." I say with a lot more sadness then needed as I put my hand over my heart. Gally looks up at me for a second before we both start bursting out with laughter.

When it finally comes to a stop we return to our meals gulping down the food. Once done I tell Gally the news "So Gally I want to go back into the maze." He kind of just groaned and let out a sigh ready to argue with me. However I cut him off before he can start. "Once my wrist heals." At that moment he shuts his mouth and lets out a small chuckle.

"What?" I ask him. "This is probably one of the few smart things that you have done since you got here. "Hey I saved Minho for shucks sake I think that's pretty smart." We start walking towards the forest going for a walk before the day actually starts "Speaking of Minho why do you always put others before yourself." Gally asks, looking down at me.

"No I don't I take care of myself." I say trying to look tough. He stops us and looks at me in the eyes," stop acting like you don't care Jo, I know you, I know you care." These words are just like Newts however they aren't laced with anger they are laced with affection and knowledge.

I start walking again, "Minho is one of my best friends here, he knows more about the maze than I do. He is more important. He was injured" I say staring straight ahead. "You don't really think that do you, that your not important. He says, I can feel his eyes staring at me full of emotion. But I don't want to look at him I don't want to see the hurt in his eyes. I just keep walking.

He takes my hand and says just above a whisper. "You are the most important person to me." I hug him and he wraps his arms around me resting his head on my chin. "You're really short you know that." He says and I let out a small laugh, "you're really tall you know that." I respond, and we start heading back to the glade. 


Gally heads off to work as I start training again, I start running around the Glade in a jog not putting to much strain on my wrist but still trying to work on my endurance. After a lap I head into the forest heading towards the runners shack. I reach my destination and walk around the outside. 

When I head inside I see Minho there just staring at the map, just staring while putting more weight on one foot than the other. "So how's the ankle?" I ask him slightly out of breathe, he looks up at me and smiles. "Hey Mini I never got to thank you properly."

"For what" I ask cutting him off, with a slight smile on my face. Minho smiles at me, "you know what I'm talking about Mini. Thanks for saving me from the maze, and the griever. It was pretty awesome." Minho then came over and I notice the slight limp that he has and I can't help but cringe like it's my fault.

Apparently Minho noticed "Hey look I'm fine really, I owe you my life" He continues saying as he comes and puts his arm around me. "C'mon Mini walk me back." I sigh as I wrap my arm around him trying to support him. "So when are you going to stop calling me Mini?" I ask him, "When your taller than me or Gally or Newt." 

"You do realize that I am probably never going to grow anymore right? And you're all like three to five inches taller than me." I say to him, "Then I guess you can never be Jo you'll always be Mini." He replies before we step back into the clearing. 

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