First kiss

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I don't know how long I've been asleep but I feel a lot better now than when I last woke up. There's no weight anymore I can wake up whenever I want now. Something is wrapped around my waist and I open my eyes to see gally inches away. One arm of his is around my waist the other I'm using as a pillow.
I look down at my wrist and it's bandaged up, ya that shucking hurt. My leg is bandaged up to. I want to move I feel like I haven't in days.

Gally looks so peaceful so innocent his lips look so soft. I have no idea if I've had my first kiss or not. I brush my thumb over his lips, I was right they are soft then he presses his lips into my thumb and his eyes flutter open. He smiles down at me and pulls me into his chest. He kisses my forehead, and my heart flutters. "Gally I want to get up." I whisper "ugh Jo c'mon." I give out a little giggle and dispatch myself from Gally's embrace. As I stand up my leg starts to throb, it's not that bad though I can deal with it. The sudden movement made me light headed and I start to sway. I'm hungry. Gally comes and steadies me by putting an arm around my waist. I lean into him and smile. Then I start walking like I said I'm hungry. I'm walking fine and the first thing that happens is Newt yelling "Jo!" He gets up but Minho beats him to me and as he picks me up and spins me around I had forgotten about my wrist up till now. It suddenly screams out in pain and I let out a yell. Minho puts me down and I fold over holding my wrist waiting for the pain to end. It does and I stand up and compose myself again. Then I head off to get food.

I've been hanging out with newt all day because Gally has some work to catch up on. I'm sitting on a tree stump watching Newt working and laughing at him when he can't tie a vine to a post. All of a sudden he stops and comes over to me. His smile has faded and so has mine. "Newt what's wrong." He takes my hand (the good one) and leans in close. "Jo i love you" his beautiful voice flows through my veins and I lean in closer. My bad wrist lifts up and flutters over his arm feeling his muscles on the way. Than resting on his shoulder and I bring him in closer. Newt is gentle he is loyal he is funny he is smart. Our lips connect and I feel his soft lips move against mine. So this is what kissing is.

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