trying to fall out

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Gally's POV

Jo just randomly left the room, it was weird I woke her up then all of a sudden she pushed me away and practically ran out of here. I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt, it's like she doesn't want to get close to me. But she has been getting closer ever since she came out of that shank box so why the change? I think I should talk to Newt, he does spend every night with her anyways.

I leave the room and I get lucky as I see Newt heading over to the tables, I make a mental note that this isn't asking for help so it doesn't bother me as much. "Hey Newt come here." I say to him noting not to go to close to Jo who apparently went to go get food.

"Hey Gally what's up?" Newt says as he walks over to me, "does Jo always get nightmares?" He just looks at me slightly confused before answering, "yeah pretty much every night. You would think that she would be tired but she's not, then again I'm not tired and I get her up at night so..." Newt trails off as he notices I'm not paying attention anymore.

"Why didn't you ever tell me she got nightmares all the time?" I asked him, "I don't know, we all get nightmares I didn't think much of it." It's true that we all get nightmares but to get them every night is different. I feel bad for Jo always having terrible nightmares, I look down at Newt and ask him another burning question.

"Does Jo seem, off to you?" I ask him trying to keep my voice low, Newt thinks for a little before he responds. "Ever since we had that fight a little while ago she seems like she's been pushing us away." "Yeah after I woke her up from her nightmare this morning she randomly pushed me away and ran out." I tell Newt. A grin comes on his face and he looks up at me, "maybe she just realized that it was you and not me." He tells me, I playfully shove him as we head over to Jo.

Jo's POV

Gally and Newt have been talking for a while now, what on earth could they be talking about that they couldn't say during breakfast. Never mind I have to keep my distance, from Gally at least until these feelings go away. No I'm not calling them feelings that makes it sound like I can't come back from them. I'm calling them... stirrings.

Gally and Newt come and sit on either side of me. I scoot closer to Newt as I finish up my breakfast. My wrist is better and I can't wait to go back into the Maze. I notice Minho and I'm happy that he isn't limping, I scoot closer to Newt so then Minho can be the wall between Gally and I. I feel bad about this but its for the best.

I'm just protecting myself, from the guy i know i can trust. I get up and leave not wanting to spend another second near Gally, it hurts to much. It's my first day back in the maze since I hurt my wrist, Minho, Newt and Gally come over to the doors with me. When I notice that Gally came my heart gives a little flutter but I try to push it back down.

Before I leave I give Newt a hug and he whispers in my ear, "Be careful love." I chuckle at this and respond with "I'm always careful." I say giving him a wink I am about to give Gally a hug to when I remember I'm not supposed to. I just look down and head into the maze, I notice Gally scrunch down a bit cause I didn't hug him. Every time I try to distance myself from him my heart breaks a bit.

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