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I pull away and smile. He wraps his arm around my waist as we head off to lunch. "Jo how's your wrist?" "Still hurts as shuck." You both giggle a bit, then you see Gally staring at you there is no emotion on his face he just stands and stares.

Gally comes and joins us at the table for lunch and as they're talking about who knows what I'm trying to think. What does this make Newt and I, I mean I like him he is a great guy but I don't know what I'm getting into. I have to stay true to myself right? I don't know if I can have a boyfriend that is just to much trust to put into someone. If he does end up being my boyfriend that means I'm going to trust him more and I can't have my happiness lie in his hands. He would have the key to my happiness and i wouldn't have any control over if he would break it or not.

"What do you think Jo?" "Hmmm what?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Gally starts talking to me. " do you think the bacon is better or the chicken?" Newt fills in "wow thrilling conversation you two." I smile at the two boys, then stand up and ruffle newts hair with my good hand as I walk off. I think I'll go for a walk in the woods.

As I'm heading back I hear yelling and I quicken my pace. I soon start running towards the glade I would recognize those yells from anywhere. It's Gally he is angry, again. As I reach the clearing I can see that the boys are gathered around the picnic area. Damn I really hope I didn't miss dinner. I reach the group of boys and they make way for me. Gally is smashing a picnic table when I see him. Eyes squeezed shut in a blind rage.

"Gally, Gally what did the table ever do to you?" I tell him hoping to distract him. "No! No! She's mine I need her!" He yells I slowly move towards him as his punches slow but he's getting more tense. "Shhhh Gally it's ok I'm here." Right as I'm about to touch him he turns to me "No! Your gone! You left me! He yells at me but I'm not one to back down. " No I'm not, I'm right here Gally, always, c'mon it's me Jo, you know i'll always be here."

I bring his hand up to my heart, slowly he starts to loosen up, his eyes open and he looks at me. He takes his hand off my heart and cups my cheek I lean into his hand as I come closer to him. I wrap my arms around his waist as I snuggle into his chest. He wraps his arms around me and it's just like how it's supposed to be. We are together, "you left me, you just decided to leave, but I need you." He says in a low voice. " hey I'm not going anywhere" i say as i snake our hands together and give them a squeeze.

This is my life now and i wouldn't change it for a thing. We head off to the homestead and we say our good nights, Which include another hug and Gally kissing me on the forehead. wow am really that short, i think to myself as I head over to Newt and I's room. I change into Newts old shirt and climb into bed. It's been a long day, and i am tired. 

"You are nothing, just a stupid shank. I don't know why i ever kissed you. Your ugly and mean!" No, i know that voice, it's the voice that has calmed me down so many times, it's the beautiful voice that i first heard when i came here. Newt. "I loved you! You ugly shank, I never want to see you again!" He yells at me. See i knew i shouldn't get to close to him, damn i told myself to stay away and now I can feel my heart splitting in two from his rejection. 

"Hey Jo! wake up!" wait what? "It's just a bad dream come on wake up, this isn't the same voice. this is a stronger voice a lower one, one that is normally yelling. Gally. I snap up with a jolt. breathing quickly and trying to remember where i am. I am in my bed, and Gally is here, he is holding my arms. Wait a second where is Newt why is Gally here and not Newt. I look at Gally and see the worry on his face, he just pulls me into a hug and we sit there. Me squeezing him hard like i'm afraid he is going to disappear and his gentle arms wrapped around me. 

Gally Newt and JoWhere stories live. Discover now