A single tear

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"Jo I'm sorry but Newt is dead." What? No! " He climbed half way up the maze wall and then jumped." No! Newt would never do that. Then I see Newt's limp dead body being carried across the glade and I know it's true. I notice that it is Gally who was talking to me and look up at him.

He has tears in his eyes as he looks down on me. "Look Jo it's not safe here we need to leave." All of a griever appeared behind him and before I could warn Gally the griever took its chance. One of it's arms shot straight through Gally's chest, passing straight through his heart. He crumbled to the ground clutching his wound.

I wanted to go down with him and hug him but my body wouldn't let me. I could only stand and stare as the love of my life died feet away from me. I feel a tug and I see Newt. Tears sting my eyes as I wonder how he could be here. His eyes are full of worry and concern and all I do is hug him. Gally is dead Newt is supposed to be dead but he's not. "Jo, love, wake up." Oh I'm dreaming again.

I open my eyes and see that I am in my room, Newt is shirtless and hugging me. From what I can tell he is getting a bruise on his stomach. I just hug him shaking, I hate these nightmares, I wish they would just go away. I look outside and see that the sun is setting, there is a knock on the door and Newt and I untangle. I stand up to go open the door, I open it and see Chuck standing on the other side. "Oh hey Chuck, what's up?" He looks up at me and smiles, "There is another bonfire starting, so I was sent to tell you and Newt." "Thanks Chuck we will be down soon." I close the door and turn around to see Newt putting his shirt back on. I decide to take his lead and search the room for my clothes.

We head down to the already started bonfire and I grab a seat as Newt goes to get some food. I notice Gally coming towards me and I start to walk away but he catches up to me. "Jo!" He grabs my wrist and turns me around, I just look down at my feet instead of at him.

"What do you want Gally?" I say trying to ice him out. "Jo why are you avoiding me? This isn't like you! What's going on?" I still love this guy even though I shouldn't, I just shrug and continue to look down. I shiver when I feel his hand under my chin urging my head up. I suddenly notice how close we are and I can feel his warm breathe on me. "Jo what is wrong? Let me help you."

I feel tears stinging my eyes, I hate these emotions, the ones that are going to get me hurt. Despite my beliefs i give into the emotions, "I don't want to get hurt by..." I trail off not being able to finish it as I also break off eye contact. "Hurt by who Jo?" he says and I can hear the apprehension in his voice. "Hurt by you." I state, I feel him tense. "How?"

We are speaking at barely above a whisper and the light from the fire barely reaches us. I let out a sigh tired of being so scared and sad. "I love you Gally, I always have but I can't love you. I'm just going to get hurt." This time he uses his palm to turn the side of my cheek up to face him. He moves closer to me which I didn't even know was possible.

"Jo, I would never ever hurt you. I would rather kill myself than hurt you in any way. Jo, I love you since the day you stood up to me when you first woke up. I knew that you were the one for me. Please Jo trust me."

Tears continue to sting my eyes and I blink them back, I want to trust him so badly. "I want to, I do trust you but..." I can't finish my sentence because a pair of lips crash into mine. It wasn't like Newt though his was soft and sweet, Gally's is passionate and full of emotion.

It is amazing fire works blasting throughout my body. I know I love him. I finally let it slip as I lean into the kiss more. Single tear roles down my cheek.

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