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It's been a day since my last chat with Gally and Newt and the med-jacks say I can leave. I walk out of the hut and keep walking it hurts but I'm doing my best to walk normally my headache is gone and I just want to eat. I notice everyone around a place with picnic tables and I go over there. Newt notices me first and starts coming over.

I smile at him happy to see a familiar face and except his hug he gives me. I want him to stay but he says he has to get to work and he walks off I'm at the area now an I'm getting my food. I eat alone at a bench and gobble up the soup in my bowl. I notice everyone heading over to rinse there dishes and decide to follow however getting up is still painful on my ankle and it collapses under me as I wince from the pain.

Before I hit the ground though I feel a strong arm rap around my waist and lift me back up. It's Gally he has a slight smirk on his face as if I'm funny. I push him away and tell him I do t need his help! And his smile disappears. He starts fighting back a bit but I just walk off. He yells at me that I have to go see Alby . Who the shuck is Alby .

I see Gally walking over to a group of people building what looks like an unfinished house. Then I see Newt shirt off hacking at a tree stump maybe 10 meters away from Gally. I have to admit that Newts muscles are pretty nice.

A strong guy approaches me and I notice a glint of coldness underneath his seemingly calm eyes as he approaches me he tries to a snake an arm around my waist. What is it with these guys!? I step out of his grasp and he tells me that his name is Alby and he's the leader of the glade.

We start walking along the side of the glade further and further away from Newt and Gally. When Alby tries to put his arm around my waist again I push him off stating that I don't need any help when he pushes me against the glade wall and starts whispering. "You think your all that don't you!? Well news shock everybody has to do there share to keep this place running" he was starting to scare me and I tried wiggling away but he grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head. Slamming them into the walls, " like you for instance" he says raising his voice "you can please me" and at that he kissed me, hard and unpleasant. I kicked him in the shin as hard as I could and he let out a cry of pain.

That was my chance I went around him and ran as fast as I could but it wasn't very fast due to my ankle I yell for help right as Alby covers my mouth. I manage to trip him, bite his hand and yell for help again! Alby climbs on top of me and whispers in my ear " I can get rid of you I can send you off and feed you to the grievers!" I hear running footsteps and Gally tackles Alby yelling at him "get off of her!!! You stay away from Jo you shank!!" A pair of arms lift me up. Newts face is inches away from mine as his eyes seem worried scanning me for cuts. "Are you ok?" He asks, but the truth is I'm not ok. I'm scared and at that moment I let down most of my walls, and through myself on Newt I felt his strong arms encircle and support me as I rested my head on his warm chest I wasn't crying but I was shaking horribly. Newt picked me up and walked away as I here Gally ordering some gladers to give Alby one night in the pit. And for the first time I felt safe. In Newts arms and knowing Gally will be there.

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